WHOLESALE + MANUFAC 1 * RETAIL 1509-11-13 BALTIMORE AVE., KANSAS CITY, MO. Nov. 2nd,1944 Dr. Forrest Ce. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Doctor: Every set of marking flags we have in stock are made up just like the ones you received - it isn't a 5 on the reverse side of the No. 2 Flag - it is simply the backside of the No. @. : If it were not made this way, the figure would show through the ‘ flag in the sunlight and there would be an intermingling of outline. I have always contended that these flags should be made double ‘ so that the numbers would be right side up no matter which way : the flag was blowing. ; We do not list any golf course equipment in our catalog. D. B.Bell & Son, 72nd & Wornall Road, this city, specialize in golf course : machinery and equipment, but I doubt if they have any recent catalog, because manufacturing restrictions for the past three years have made most catalogs valueless. Certainly, though, they can give you specific information regarding any items for which you are now in the market - I am sure they can supply you with the proper type of flag poles, and I agree with you that it is better to get a factory product than to attempt to improvise a substitute. Yours for,Victory, L. R. Freeburg LOWE & CAMPBELL LRF/rw © = BTANE RS CHTR © MIME APOULS + CANE AR oe CLR EL ASD DETROIT j ace tig sianet area ee! rep ire! gD EN VER ie