OwE & CimpBE DIVISION OF WILSON SPORTING GOODS COMPANY WHOLESALE: « ic Oft ¢ RETAIL 1509-11-13 BALTIMORE AvE., KANSAS CITY, MO. - November 18,1942 Dr. Forrest C. Allen, University of Kansas, Lawrence, “anses. Dear Doctor: Honestly, I doubt if even the shipyards could supply "gunboats" in the size which you require. We have nothing as large as lo, and there isn't a Chinaman's chance to get them made on special order under present manufacturing restrictions. We do have a few pairs of size 14, so about the best suggestion I can make is that you get a pair of these for “Suitcase Simpson" and convert them to the popular toeless style instead of the old- fashioned toe lace style! Yours for victory, LOWE & CAMPBELL ™ a : Les R. Freeburg LRF/ rw KAN S A$) C1 TY, ° MINNEAPOLIS ° CoN C i NEN -A TI ° CLEVELAND . DES MOINES . CHICAGO e DALLAS ° Sf: 20-8 ae Seta: BASU . DET RO. ° DENVER ° NASHVILLE ° Pt Ft -58 UR GH . WASHINGTON . SYRACUSE e CHAR 1-0 TE