_ D, KEEDY CAMPBELL, GeneraL MANAGER R. C. CAMPBELL, Personnet Director ; FRANK E. DUBACH, Genera AupitoR LES R. FREEBURG, Asst Gent MANAGER 2 LOREN V. BROWN, Gent SALES MANAGER KEITH W. DANCY, Geni Crepit MANAGER ARNO F. HEINRICH, Factory MANAGER KARL H. ROYER, Gent Mpse. MANAGER MARION H. MILLER, Pusticity DinEcTOR 1509-11-13 BALTIMORE AVE., May ss, Cran, Me, November 19, 1942 University of Kansas Min, EB. Le Falkenstien, Bus, Mgr. Lawrence, Kansas : Dear Mr. Falkenstien: Was the explanation in our letter of October 29 sufficient for you to verify our invoice of June 23 in the amountof $11.90 as still outstanding? If any additional details are desired, let us lmow = we will be glad to be of service to you in this comection. If ovr figures check with yours, however, and theremittancé can now be arranged, it will of course be highly appreciated. Very truly yours, RSSch AON S RUS SC ClTY 22) M TNNGR A P.O PotS 6" CIN Col-NEND AT bo PoP TT Soba R GH WOA-SiH NG T OFN 3! CiL-E VE LOAGN Do's D E-SM O 1ON RES) ©. CHIC AG Oo 4+ 2D Al eos Sab cb OU ies ie Sol PAS Ue DUE TRO E Bars VDE ON VEU R cS: eR ACO Si Eo sc ON Ase He Ve RoR 6 CER AIR LOT TR