June 27th, 1941 iy, F. C. Bannon Attorney at Law Leavenworth, Kansas Dear “Timothy Titus Philemon": Gosh, do you ever do your stuff in a hurry, young fellow! I certainly was happy to hear from you and you can rest assured that we always enjoy seeing you and yours. And, in this instant, it was a great pleasure to talk with Doctor Peter Combs. He's a grand fellow and I know he'll make a successful Physician. Mrs. Allen and I remembered him as a very young man. He was then very polite and showed great promise of going places. : I'm always glad to hear what those durn mosquitos say, All I'd ever heard was that they wanted to claim close relation- ship to a fellow and say "counin-a-zoo" but now I see they are going up the scale into the higher realms. I have never worried about their remarks; I have always worried more about their marks. Good luck to you and the family. Sincerely, Director of Physical Education and Recreation-Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. °