Vol. XIX, No. 4 PUBLISHED BY Jowr & CouppeL, (For the Cechange of Ideas. llmong Schoola. Circulation 50,000 The Outlook for Athletic Equipment for 1943 CHOOL officials need not curtail their athletic programs because of shortages in playing equipment. It is true that certain articles will not be as plentiful as in the past—and that other items will not be available at all. Generally speaking, goods are already in stock to supply the demand for months to come. School men will realize that to a large extent the build- ing of equipment to special specifications is out for the duration —they will have to take items which are available from present stocks. To give you a better picture of the situation, we will briefly outline the stock and manufacturing conditions applicable to each sport. We want you to know the facts. You will not then be misled by rumors. FOOTBALL: Helmets, Shoulder pads, Hip and Kidney pads, Pants and Jerseys are available from stock. Some specials can be made in Jerseys but stay away from the fancy striping. Stocks of shoes are ample. There will be some shortages of Footballs on account of the heavy purchases by the Army and Navy. Order in ADVANCE. BASKET BALL: Shoes will present a problem but manufac- ture may be permitted in limited quantities using reclaimed rubber soles. Take good care of the shoes you now have! Last- Bilt Balls will not be obtainable. were last year but will not be banned. There are fair stocks of rackets in medium and high grades. Shoes of the rubber- soled variety are practically non-existent. Developments are going along on substitute materials and further information will be forthcoming later. BADMINTON: Rackets, Nets and Shuttlecocks are avail- able for all at present. The game is becoming increasingly popular. GOLF: Rebuilt Balls will be available in limited quantities. Many firms will require used balls to be turned in for reprocess- ing at the time of sale of those already rebuilt. Clubs and Bags can no longer be manufactured but stocks will hold out until the playing season is under way. Replacements should not be delayed. Present stocks CANNOT BE REPLACED. TRACK: There are no Vaulting Poles available. These bamboo poles were formerly imported from Japan. Aluminum poles could fill the gap nicely but none can be produced as aluminum is a critical material. No Stop Watches are to be had. These were formerly imported from Switzerland. Javelins, Discus, and Shot are available now but stocks are not heavy. There are fair stocks of Shoes on dealers’ shelves. TROPHIES AND MEDALS: Trophies are not being made but we have a fair carry-over stock. Customers who are not too “choicy” The Laceless balls are filling the gap nicely but too many will not be available for the schools and col- leges. Order early—a delay means a risk. Uniforms and Warm-Ups will be available in many materials but not in all. BASEBALL: There will be some shortages in Balls and Bats on ac- count of the tremendous demand by the armed forces. Order early! Uni- forms, Shoes, Sliding Pads, Gloves and Mitts will be obtainable in reasonable quantities. SOFT BALL: The same situation exists here as in Baseball. Balls and Bats will be the big problem. Only leather shoes are obtainable. TENNIS: Balls will be available in LIMITED quantities as they let us know. SS I OT I OT ae mw wrest NO NEW SPRING CATALOG Because there have been few changes in our line of merchandise or prices since last spring we are not issuing a new general catalog this spring. However, our regular fall catalog No. 164, which lists both fall and spring equip- ment in detail, except baseball, is still in effect. If yours has been misplaced, please A supplemental catalog, No. 1648S, just off the press, contains our complete Baseball line and in addition lists Soft Ball, Tennis, Track, Boxing and Recreational Games as shown in the complete Fall Catalog. Copies will be sent only upon request. ain che che che shoctesin,.ttn..se..te...sie.. site, siete... will not be disappointed. Medals and Charms are available but “rush” service is out. BOXING: Gloves are available now but headed toward the scarce list as Uncle Sam is buying in quan- tities you would not believe. Robes, Trunks, Handwraps and Shoes are available. Teeth Protectors are not to be had. Striking Bags are limited. SOCCER: Shoes are scarce and the Balls will not be too plentiful. Jerseys, Pants and Hose will be available. SUPPORTERS: Pre-war stocks of the all-elastic type have been ex- hausted. Limited stocks of the Vic- tory type are on hand. Many coaches (Continued on Page 7) sie. cle site sie sie sie sln.tttn..ste...sthe...stee..se.. aie... lie, February, 1943