Uncle Sam Says “Pay Promptly” WHY OUR CREDIT MAN ASKS EARLY PAYMENT OF ACCOUNTS HAT the prompt payment of bills is an important factor in our war effort and is appreciated by a majority of school officials, is shown by their willingness to comply with Federal Regulation “W,” issued under authority of the President’s Executive Order, effective on May 6, 1942. Must Pay by 10th of Second Month As it applies to all individual personal accounts, athletic association and activity accounts, Regulation ‘“W” requires that bills be paid by the 10th of the second month following pur- chases. Provision is made, however, for certain extensions in time for payment by an agreement in writing between buyer and seller, with interest charges permissible. An exception is made in the extension of credit to the Federal or State Government, political sub-division, agency or establish- ment thereof, or to any church, hospital, clinic, school, college, educational or charitable institution. Such an account with a school however, to be exempt, is understood to be authorized by or to be paid by the Board of Education. Other provisions of the Regulation incur serious penalties for the sale of an article, on credit, if the customer’s account is in default. The return of merchandise so delivered or immediate payment must be requested by the seller. Prompt Payment Helps the War Effort These credit regulations have been formulated by the Gov- ernment to keep the cost of living from spiraling upward. Prompt payment of accounts speeds up business and eliminates extra expenses. America’s whole war effort is a race against time—time to make tanks, ships, planes and guns—time to train men. In this race, every cooperative effort plays a vital part. As a loyal American, you can help by paying your bills promptly. : WITHOUT A FAN... THREE GUESSES! When this picture was taken back in the early twenties, along with others as illustrations for our athletic goods catalog, little did the model dream that a few years later she would be the internation- ally known dancer that made two world fairs famous. A product of Kansas City, also the location of our home office, Billy Beck, now everywhere known as SALLY RAND, proved that “the fan is quicker than the eye.” For several years she ap- peared in our catalogs attired in the latest fashions of girls’ gym- nasium and basket ball clothing, class caps, and similar sports wear. Shown the pictures recently, she readily identified them as “genu- ine” in spite of the contrast of her more modern costumes. we & DBF. (Days Before Fans). Sally Rand, as she appeared in a Campbell Gym Suit, [6] National College Tournament Set For March 8th To 13th Transportation handicaps will not prevent the sixth Annual National Inter-Collegiate Basketball Tournament from getting off with a full bracket of thirty-two teams in Kansas City during the week of March 8th to 13th. District Champions from North Carolina to California are entered, according to Emil S. Liston, Executive Secretary-Treasurer of the Inter-Collegiate Tournament Association, Baker University, Baldwin, Kans. Hamline University of St. Paul, Champion of the 1942 Tournament and Southeastern State Teacher’s College, Durant, Oklahoma, runner-up, already have qualified for the event which has become one of the outstanding basketball classics in the country. A, A. U. Basket Ball Championship Dates The Girls’ National A.A.U. Basketball Championship will be- sponsored by the Junior Chamber of Commerce at St. Joseph, Mo., during the week of March 22nd to 26th. The Men’s National A.A.U. Basketball Tournament will again . be held in Denver, Colo., during the week of March 15th to 20th. A NEW METHOD OF USING FOOT POWDER SATHLETE’S FOOT also