R. C. CAMPBELL, Personwet DinEcTOR _ FRANK E. DUBACH, GENERAL AUDITOR . O ROWN, Gen SALES MANAGER KEITH W. DANCY, Gent Crepit MANAGER MARION H. MILLER, Pusticity Director 1509 -/1-13 BALTIMORE AVE., May sas, Crazy Me, March 17,1943 Dr. Forrest C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Doctor: Ordinarily we have an accumulation of half pairs of shoes, : and when I first received your letter I thought I might be able to find a size 11 for you in a left among these left-overs, but I was not successful. The only thing I can suggest will be our No. 9081 Shoes, which we have now in a full range of sizes, which will cost you $3.00 a pair - no coupon will be necessary as these are "rubber soled shoes with fabric uppers." Do you want us to ship a pair of these in size 11? We will be glad to send them along and if they are not satisfactory we'll take them back. Yours for victory, LOWE & BELL L. R. Freeburg LRF/rw KANSAS) Cost Y= M/PN NBGA POOL Si Col N.C LN -N A Tole P TT SB OU RIG Hiss WA S HN GT O°ON-e-C LEV EB LAAN Dy « DLE S. MO: 12N*B’S«¢ (CH 1cC AsG Os STE On0 Ls oe ST. PAWL. DETROIT 2 SDB NSW BOR ia'S- YOR AC. Ss Boe NAP SUR) VIC LBB ie Cal oe at gbr Octane oe BOSTON+ PHILADELPHIA + WOR ¢ es