gurus 1%, 1945. lire Karl Royer, lowe & Cempbell Athletic Goods Co., Kansas City, Mo. Dear Karl: Dr. Bert Nash, the military coordinator, called me this morning and stated that he talked to the shoe men down town and it wasn't necessery to have a ration erder for the shoes. I told him I knew that those people mist be mistaken because all rubber shoes are rationed. Of course the football, baseball and track shoes are not because they have spikes in them, but that is a special dispensation. I asked Bert Nash to call you so that you sould tell him the straight of it. And I also wanted you to under- stand my situation. I am helping these people both in the Army and the Navy in any way that I can, but all the orders are handled through the regular military channels eud,tiat is where my function ceases. I told Dr. Nash that It was necessary in the begiming to have the ration coupon and if there hag been any delay I assure you that it has not been my fault. I want you to get my position clearly. i trust that there will be no great delay due to any uisunderstanding that might have occurred. Very cordially yours, Director of Physical Bducation, FCA: AH Varsity Basketball Coach.