Jowe é Camper DIVISION OF WILSON SPORTING GOODS COMPANY K A NSS AS Cr TY MANUFACT ood. RETAIL WHOLESALE 1509-11-13 BALTIMORE AVE. KANSAS CITY, MO. August 17,1943 Dr. F. C. Allen University of Kansas Lewrence, Kansas. My dear "Phog": We received today purchase order for the 750 pairs of shoes, but have not as yet received preference rating or shoe ration certificate. We, of course, can do nothing with this order until the shoe ration certificate is received, and naturally, we want the preference rating certificate, too, as early as possible. However, the shoe ration certificate is most important. No sizes were given, either, and of course I can figure this out, but if you have all the boys in school now, I am just wondering how much of a job it would be to have a check made with them for sizes. Could this be done pretty easily - thereby perhaps save a lot of exchanging? Just a thought on my part. Anything that you can do to help along the shoe ration certificate so we can get these shoes off to you will be appreciated. Yours for victory, LOWE §/CAMPBELL H. Royer rchandise Manag MINNEAPOLIS 26 NC TN NOT I ° CLEVELAND . DES MOINES ° CyBesC AGO e DALLAS . Solis LeOeD sles Bobo hen Ont e DENVER . NAS Rv iG EE ° Plot TSB UR GH ° WAS) BEN, GT OLN. . S: You AGC Ue Sick . CS RAR DOr foe