August 9, 1943. Mre De Keedy Campbell, General Manager, Lowe & Campbell Athletic Goods Co., 1508 Baltimore Avenue, | Kansas Citys Moe Dear Keedys We have a large leather Push Ball, 6 feet in diameter, but the bladder has disintegrated and we are unable to replace it at the present time. Push Ball bladders require fresh, crude rubber, and I understand that the WPB dose not permit the production of this iten. I know that with your close connection with Mr. Iseley you might get a tip-off when these bladders are going to be made again. I would appreciate this as @ personal favor, as we need this pretty badly. Fresh, crude rubber is going from Japan to Russia, and then reshipped to the United States. Just how much of that we will get I don't know. I will greatly appreciate any attention you can give this. ; Very sincerely yours, Direetor of Physical Education, FCA& Varsity Basketball Coach.