American Walnut Plaques 13”x814" No. 9783 Scroll of Honor (Engrave Winners’ Names on Scroll) Victory Walnut Plaque complete with any of above event panels and raised letter plate............---- $15.00 Bowling No. 9781 No. 9780—Track No. 9778—Basket Ball WALNUT SPORT PLAQUES Choice of GLO-RAY, SILVER or BRONZE Panels Basket Ball (Boys’ or Girls’) Football Swimming (Boys’ or Girls’) Baseball Tennis (Boys’ or Girls’) Softball Literary Victory Track Music Bowling No. 9859—Walnut Plaque, 14”x12%", with any of the above Event Panels and raised letter inscription plate. Price. i ose tk: $15.90 No. 9851—Walnut Plaque, 9%”"x 94”... 11.90 No. 9854—Walnut Plaque, 7%4”x 7”.... 9.90 No. 9860—Walnut Plaque, 10”x12"...... 15.90 No. 9861—Walnut Plaque, 8”x 9”...... 11.90 No. 9862—Walnut Plaque, 6”x6%"”..... 9.90 No. 9860 Bronze Finished Class and Memorial Plates including up to 30 raised letters: 3”x214", $9.00; 10”x3”", $18.00; 10”x8”, $48.00 Additional lettering extra, 3e a letter. BRONZE ADD-A-PLATE SHIELDS For Athletics, Scholarships, Honor Rolls, Etc. EXTRA BRONZE PLATES With Any Raised Lettering No. 1—Plate, 54x2 imns., with 1 to 8 lines. 9746 shield accommodates 35 plates, “Mach oc se $2.00 No. 2—Plate, ;4x414 ims., with 1-or 2 lines. Shield accommodates 30 plates. PAC it ieec ce aio ce ee ee $2.50 No. 3—Plate, %x41,4 ims., with 2 to 4 lines. 9748 shield holds 32 plates. Each.$3.70 No. 4—Plate, 2x41% ims. with several lines, 9746 shield holds 7 plates. WACKER Sse ere eas aides $9.00 Only one week is required for delivery of shield with head or name plates. Screws are furnished with all plates. HONOR AWARD No. 9746—Honor Award Shield of heavy walnut, size 14”x12” with a bronze head plate and raised lettering inscription. Smaller bronze plates with names, dates, ete., in raised letters may be added from year to year. It provides a system of permanent recog- ‘nition of Athletics, Scholarship, Memorials, etc. Price, with Head Plate .$13.50 No. 9748—Honor Shield as above, size 20x17 im., with double capacity for plates. Price, with Head Plate .$25.90