Sept. 19, 1941 Mr. Jim Addison Order Supervisor Lowe and Cempbell Kansas City, Mo. Dear Jim, fhank you for your kind letter of the 16th instant. We have enough equipment on hand at the present time and I trust we will not need any seconds this year as we have enough carry-overs from last year. However I wish to thank you for writing mee | Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation FCA/pe Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach D. KEEDY CAMPBELL, GENERAL MANAGER LES R. FREEBURG, ASS'T GEN'L MANAGER ARNO F. HEINRICH, FACTORY MANAGER KANSAS CITY, MO. MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. CINCINNATI, OHIO, PITTS UO RGH, PA. WASHINGTON, D.C. R. C. CAMPBELL, PERSONNEL DIRECTOR LOREN V. BROWN, GEN'L SALES MANAGER KARL H. ROYER, GEN'L MDSE. MANAGER KANSAS CITY, KAS. CLEVELAND, OHIO DES MOINES, IOWA PHILADELPHIA, PA. WORCESTER, MASS. Dr. F. C. Allen DIVISION OF WILSON SPORTING GOODS CoO. WHOLESALE MANUFACTURING RETAIL 1509 -/1-/2 BALTIMORE AVE., September 16, Director of Athletics Kansas University Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: FRANK E. DUBACH, GENERAL AUDITOR KEITH W. DANCY, GEN'L CREDIT MANAGER MARION H. MILLER, PUBLICITY DIRECTOR CHICAGO. TLL. DALLAS, TEXAS ST. PAUL, MINN. St LO Utls..-M'o. DETR OIT...MIiCch. DENVER, COLO. SYRACUSE, N.Y. NASHVILLE, TENN. CHARLOTTE, N.C. BOSTON, MASS. 1941 Frank Manderville asked that we remind you that right now we have a full run of sizes in the Converse All Star seconds, running up to size 14. He suggests that you order what shoes you will need just as soon as possible because these are limited and present sizes may not last very long. Also it would be a good idea to get all of your merchandise possible before the excise tax goes through. We have not received any definite notice about the date this tax will apply, but it should not be long now. Lawrence until about the 23rd. Frank said that he would not be able to reach If you need anything in the meantime we hope you will contact us at Kansas City and we will take care of all your order requests immediately. JA: HS cl * 7 \ ne? Very cordially yours, LOWE & CAMPBELL ATHL&STIC Ud deree2— Ww Jim Addison Order Supervisor GOODS Ostober 9, 1941. Mr. Les Freeburg, Lowe & Campbell Athletic Goods Co., Kansas City, Mo. Dear Les: I am returning one of the balls that we bought from Frank Mandeville, which has developed a case of "donkey ears". I tried Rawling and Riddell balls last year and they did exactly the same thing - they all peeled off the rubber base. The history of this particular bali is that we have used it less than two weeks, three times a week - for about six practices, and it had the usual wear of a varsity basketball. Will you kindly send us one to replace it? I hope that you won't have this repaired and returned, but will send a new one. I found last year when the Rawling and Riddell balis were repaired they peeled off again, and I believe the factories should perhaps make good with a new ball. I am just entering again a friendly protest against the molded ball because it dees not hold up and it does not have the life of a leather ball. This is exhibit number one. Perhaps the other balls that we will try will not show a defect so rapidly, but I am endeavoring to submit all the imperfections so that the factories may more readily correct them. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, FCA: AH Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. : October 15, 1941 Er. Les Freeburg Lowe and Campbell Kansas City, NOe Dear Les, You're a swell guy, nebody can even tie you. They can try, but it's no use for them to try to beat you. If they get you tied, they're lucky. Your heart's as big as your ears’ Sincerely, Director of Physical Education and Recreation FcA/pg | Varsity Basketball Coach D. KEEDY CAMPBELL, GENERAL MANAGER LES R. FREEBURG, ASS‘T GEN‘L MANAGER ARNO F. HEINRICH, FACTORY MANAGER KANSAS CITY, MO. MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. CINCINNATI, OHIO, PITTSBURGH, PA. WASHINGTON, D. C. KANSAS CITY, KAS. CLEVELAND, OHIO DES MOINES, IOWA PHILADELPHIA, PA. - WORCESTER, MASS. R. C. CAMPBELL, PERSONNEL DIRECTOR LOREN V. BROWN, GEN'L SALES MANAGER KARL H. ROYER, GEN'L MDSE. MANAGER Loa AM PBETT, X% pind ; al ATHLETIC GOODS DIVISION OF WILSON SPORTING GOODS CoO. WHOLESALE MANUFACTURING RETAIL 1509-11-13 BALTIMORE AVE., May ss, Crane Ye, October 10,1941 Dr. Forrest C. Allen, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Doctor: 7 FRANK E. DUBACH, GENERAL AUDITOR KEITH W. DANCY, GEN'L CREDIT MANAGER MARION H. MILLER, PUBLICITY DIRECTOR SHICAGe,-1be. DALLAS, TEXAS ST. PAUL, MINN. st. .lLOUrTs, Mo. DETROIT, MICH. DENVER, COLO. SYRACUSE, N.Y. NASHVILLE, TENN. CHARLOTTE, N.C. BOSTON, MASS. The basket ball referred to in your letter of yesterday has not come in, but we will not wait for it - we will send you a new ball in replecement today with no questions asked. There were a very few of the Last-Bilt Balls which got through on which some bad cement was used, and as usually happens in such cases, no one knew that the cement was faulty until after the balls had been put in use. This difficulty has been corrected at the factory and we are certain there will be no trouble on any future deliveries. Should you have any more trouble along this line you will always find our ears sticking up and wide open - just like the ears on the basket ball which you are sending back! LRF sew Very cordia yours, Les R. Freeburg LOWE & CAMPBELL D. KEEDY CAMPBELL, GENERAL MANAGER LES R. FREEBURG, Ass‘T GEN'L MANAGER ARNO F. HEINRICH, FACTORY MANAGER ~ ~ KANSAS CITY, MO. MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. CINCINNATI, OHIO, Pit TSBEURGH, PA: WASHINGTON, D. Cc. KANSAS CITY, KAS. CLEVELAND, OHIO DES MOINES, IOWA PHILADELPHIA, PA. WORCESTER, MASS. R. C. CAMPBELL, PERSONNEL DIRECTOR FRANK E. DUBACH, GENERAL AUDITOR LOREN V. BROWN, GEN'L SALES MANAGER KEITH W. DANCY, GEN'L CREDIT MANAGER KARL H. ROYER, GEN'L MDSE. MANAGER MARION H. MILLER, PUBLICITY DIRECTOR \F CHICAGO, 1UL. QWE' & TPBETT, r PAULL MINN 2 Z fa Z Vv, ST. PAUL, MINN. if ai= eb Sel ee St “LOUIS, MG. ATHLETIC GOODS (f DETROIT, MICH. < DENVER, COLO. DIVISION OF WILSON SPORTING GOODS Co. SYRACUSE. N.Y. NASHVILLE, TENN. CHARLOTTE, N.C. 4509 -/1-132 BALTIMORE AVE., BOSTON. MASS. Mass, Crany Ue, October llth, 1941 WHOLESALE MANUFACTURING RETAIL Dr. Forrest ©. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: Yesterday Mr. Freeburg wrote you that we would send you at once, another B202 basket- ball to replace the one which you returned. However, there will be a slight delay as we are cleaned out on that particular ball right now. As we recall it, you have several on hand still so probably it will be 0. K. if we hold your order until an additional supply of the B202 balls comes in. We should have some within the next week or so. Very cordially yours, & CAMPBELL ATHLETIC GOODS Addison Order Supervisor JA: HS Dy KEEDY CAMPBELL, GENERAL MANAGER R. C. CAMPBELL, PERSONNEL DIRECTOR FRANK E. DUBACH, GENERAL AUDITOR LES R. FREEBURG, Ass'T GEN'L MANAGER LOREN V. BROWN, GEN'L SALES MANAGER KEITH W. DANCY, GEN'L CREDIT MANAGER ARNO F. HEINRICH, FACTORY MANAGER KARL H. ROYER, GEN'L MDSE. MANAGER MARION H. MILLER, PUBLICITY DIRECTOR KANSAS CITY, MO. MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. CINCINNATI, OHIO, PITTSBURGH, PA. WASHINGTON, D. C. KANSAS CITY, KAS. CHICAGO, PEL, DALLAS, TEXAS ST. PAUL, MINN. St. LOUls, MO. DETROIT, MICH. DEN VER. COLo, CEEVEEOND sO HLO DIVISION OF WILSON SPORTING GOODS CO. SYRRCURE SN. Y. DES MOINES, IOWA NASHVILLE, TENN. PHILADELPHIA, PA. WHOLESALE MANUFACTURING RETAIL CHARLOTTE, N.C. WORCESTER, MASS. /509-/!-13 BALTIMORE AVE., BOSTON, MASS. Kay ss; Cra Meo», October 15,1941 Dre Forrest C. Allen, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Doctor: The reason you have not received the No. B202 Basket Ball in replacement of the one you returned is that we have been out of this particular number for the past three or four weeks ~- this is something I did not know when I wrote to you the other day. We have hopes of getting in an additional stock in just a few more days, so we hope you can be patient. Very cordj y yours, Les R. Freeburg LOWE & CAMPBELL LRF/rw Oatoder 16, 1941 Lowe and Cenybell } ar et ~ We are eee oe felt whieh you shipped us this ao 1 oa ) There must heslin: Sade allen mistake, for. we can find in the department of physioal education who, ord: ered it, a Will you, please nate the necessary adjustments ¢ on your books? Sincerely, Secretary to the sie let of Physical Education University of Kansas \ i | Lawrence, Kansas } ee ’ D. KEEDY CAMPBELL, GENERAL MANAGER LES R. FREEBURG, ASS'T GEN'L MANAGER ARNO F. HEINRICH, FACTORY MANAGER y me KANSAS CITY, MO. MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. CINCINNATI, OHIO, PITTSBURGH, PA. WASHINGTON, D.C. KANSAS CITY, KAS. CLEVELAND, OHIO DES MOINES, IOWA PHILADELPHIA, PA. WORCESTER, MASS. R. C. CAMPBELL, PERSONNEL DIRECTOR LOREN V. BROWN, GEN'L SALES MANAGER MANAGER KARL H. ROYER, GEN'L MDSE. fm = = ——o ‘ATHLETIC GOODS “ = ef > => £2 DIVISION OF WILSON SPORTING GOODS CoO. WHOLESALE MANUFACTURING RETAIL 1/509 -/1-132 BALTIMORE AVE., Maw ss, Crappy Mo», October 20th, 1941 Miss Polly Gowans Secty. to Dept. of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Miss Gowans; The piece of felt which you are re- turning was requested on Purchase Order #1190 from the State of Kansas office of the University of Kansas. FRANK E. DUBACH, GENERAL AUDITOR KEITH W. DANCY, GEN'L CREDIT MANAGER MARION H. MILLER, PUBLICITY DIRECTOR CHICAGO} hee. DALLAS, TEXAS ST. PAUL, MINN. St, LOUrES, MO. DETROIT, MICH. DENVER, COLO. SYRACUSE, N.Y. NASHVILLE, TENN. CHARLOTTE, N.C. BOSTON, MASS. We notice, however, that shipment was requested made to the Chancellor's Office, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas and this went out to the Physical Education Department, so we are going to take the liberty of returning this felt and directing it to the Chancellor's office. Very truly yours, Addison Order Supervisor JA:HS CAMPBELL ATHLETIC GOODS October 30, 1941. ire De He Elmore, Lowe & Campbell Athletic Goods Co., 1509 Baltimore Avenue, Kansas City, Mo. Dear Mir. Elmore: In reply to your inquiry of October 29th con- corning Ure Jim He Rapert, formerly a member of our Department of Physical Education, I beg to state that Lr. Raport is now connected with the Department of Physical Education at Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Auburn, Alabama. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, Varsity Dasketball and Baseball Coach. D. KEEDY CAMPBELL, GENERAL MANAGER R. C. CAMPBELL, PERSONNEL DIRECTOR FRANK E. DUBACH, GENERAL AUDITOR LES R. FREEBURG, ASS'T GEN'L MANAGER LOREN V. BROWN, GEN'‘L SALES MANAGER KEITH W. DANCY, GEN'‘L CREDIT MANAGER ARNO F. HEINRICH, FACTORY MANAGER KARL H. ROYER, GEN'L MDSE. MANAGER MARION H. MILLER, PUBLICITY DIRECTOR KANSAS CITY, MO. Ve. f CHICAGO, TEL: MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. OQ 4 My \& iY UPB ae DALLAS, TEXAS CINCINNATI, OHIO, 4 'b 6 \ A vy, 4 $ y ST. PAUL, MINN. PITTSBURGH, PA. S Sead Nad sama ST. LOUIS, MO. WASHINGTON, D. Cc. ATHLETIC GOODS (; DETROIT. MICH. KANSAS CITY, KAS. = 4 DENVER, COLO. Cee. oO RNS DIVISION OF WILSON SPORTING GOODS Co. Seow DES MOINES, IOWA NASHVILLE, TENN. PHILADELPHIA, PA. WHOLESALE” > MANURE scr ING RErAU CHARLOTTE, N.C. WORCESTER, MASS. /509-//-/3 BALTIMORE AVE., BOSTON, MASS. Aan sas; Crapy Mo, October 29, 1941 University of Kansas Lawrence, Kanse@se Gentilmen ; There was employed at the University last year, Mr. Jim He Raport and we understand that he is no longer connected with your schoole Could you give us his present address so that we may write hime A Business Reply Envelope is enclosed for your convenience. Very truly yours, DHE :DH » December 11, 1941 Lowe and Campbell 1509 Baltimore Ave. Kansas City, Mo. Dear Mr. Freeberg, Two days ego Doctor Allen ordered two pairs of ice skates and shoes from your firm for Chancellor Malott. Both pairs of shoos were size 7. Today, Chancellor Malott called and asked that I write and ask thet one pair be exchanged fora sise 6 ~ in ss wide a shoo as possible. Doctor Allen is in Dodge City, so I am writing this letter. Mr. Malott is mailing you the pair of skates and shoes which he wishes exchanged, and we would appreciate it if you would send him the size 8 pair immediately. - Thank you very muche Sincerely, - PMG/g Searetary to Dr. Vorrest C. Allen $ Deceuber 11 L941. Booklseoeping ping Department, Lowe < Campbell Athletic Geode — 1809 Saltimore Avenue, Kansas Clty, Wissouris Dear Sires x ; , Tom in receipt of your statement dated Novenber — 29, 1941, showing a balance of 40g due yous I em umble to agoount for this small debt, and would appresiate sone Oxe PETA Sinserely yours, Director of Physical Edueation and Recreation, Varsity Pashetbell and Baseball Coache : [owe & CimpBeis ATHLETIC GOODS Yf DIVISION OF WILSON SPORTING GOODS CoO. 1509-11-13 Baltimore Ave. Kansas City, Mo. Nove 29, 1941 -PHYSICAL EDUCATION DEPT., % UR. F. C. ALLEN UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE, KANS. RETURN THIS STUB WITH YOUR CHECK. NO RECEIPT WILL BE SENT UNLESS REQUESTED. DATE INVOICE NO. CHARGES CREDITS BALANCE 11/1/41 BALANCE FORWARD 040 Bal This statement is a complete record of your account for the month—it shows all In This Column charges and credits. If inaccurate, write us at once. The Last Amount : Is The Amount Lowe & Campbell Athletic Goods go & DIVISION OF WILSON SPORTING GOODS CO. December 15, 1941. Mr. Les Freeberg, Lewe & Campbell Athletic Goods Co., Kansas City, Moe Dear Les: Recently we ordered from you, and received, three RF1 Voit Rubber Footballs. We used one and found it - be a “junior” ball, very unsuitable for intramural plays He are returning to you thy two unused balls, and wish to exchange them for one No. FF1O Wilson “Sturdi- Sphere" Football, official size and shape. Tf Sure in uny difterume in the exmiange price we shall be glad to send through our order to your satis- factions Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. December 23, 1941. Mr. Chas. A. Burke, Jr., Manager, City Department, - Lowe & Campbell Athletics Co., Kansas City, Missouri. Dear Mr. Burke: : Thank you for your letter of the 18th instant advising us of your willingness to exchange the two RP1 Voit rubber footballs for one PF10 Wilson Sturdi- Sphere football. The Wilsen ball has arrived, and we wish to thank you for your courtesy in this matter. Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. D. KEEDY CAMPBELL, GENERAL MANAGER LES R. FREEBURG, Ass'T GEN'L MANAGER ARNO F- HEINRICH, FACTORY MANAGER R. C. CAMPBELL, PERSONNEL DIRECTOR LOREN V. BROWN, GEN'L SALES MANAGER - KARL H. ROYER, GEN'L MDSE. MANAGER FRANK E. DUBACH, GENERAL AUDITOR KEITH W. DANCY, GEN'L CREDIT MANAGER MARION H. MILLER, PUBLICITY DIRECTOR KANSAS CITY, MO. MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. CINCINNATI, OHIO, PITTSBURGH, PA. WASHINGTON, D. C. KANSAS CITY, KAS. CLEVELAND, OHIO DES MOINES, IOWA PHILADELPHIA, PA. WORCESTER, MASS. CHICAGO, ILL. DALLAS, TEXAS ST. PAUL, MINN. St.._b0 01s. MSO. DETROIT. MICH, DENVER, COLO. SYRACUSE, N.Y. NASHVILLE, TENN. CHARLOTTE, N.C. BOSTON, MASS. bwEe ChmppEm, ATHLETIC GOODS 4 é DIVISION OF WILSON SPORTING GOODS CoO. WHOLESALE MANUFACTURING RETAIL 1509 -//-/32 BALTIMORE AVE., Kass, Orang Me, December 18th, 1941 Doctor F. C. Allen Director of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Doctor Allen: Your recent letter to Mr. Freeburg has been re- ferred to this department as he is out of the city at this time. We will be glad to exchange the two RF1 Voit rubber footballs for one of the FF10 Wilson "“Sturdi- Sphere" footballs. It was our understanding from your letter that you were returning these two balls, which of course is necessary before we can send the other ball as an even exchange. Just wanted to let you know we are willing a to cooperate and we will make the exchange just as soon as the balls are returned. A self-addressed mailing sticker is enclosed for your convenience in sending these balls into us. Yours very truly, has. A. Burke, Jr. Manager, City Department CAB:HS ENCL December 26, 1941. Mr. Les Freeburg, Lowe & Campbell Athletic Goods Co., 1509 Baltimore Avenue, Kansas City, Missouri. Dear Les: Chancellor Malott's office informs me this morning that the Chancellor desires a size § in the skates which ‘he has purchased from you. He is returning the size 7 to you today, to be exchanged for the size 8. Thanking you for your courtesy in this matter, and with best wishes, I am Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. Jamary 7, 1942. Repair Department, oH Lowe & Campbell Athletic Goods Co., | If you will kindly indicate your estimate of the of repair on the enclosed “bid sheet” and return it to office we shall send through the order for paywent. ee Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coache B. 4. JOHNSON, Business Manacer Purchase Request No..................... D. A. N. CHASE, Asst. Busrness Manaarr oa STATE BUSINESS MANAGER Date... Jame 7, 1942, TOPEKA, KANSAS ante quote your lowest prices, on the following material delivered F. O. Boi. ........2.....-22..:sc20:cccseeccceeceeeceeceeeeeeeeteeeeneens ae ee Dept...of Physical. Education, University. of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas... oe eee Discount periods begin on date of acceptance of material by the State. OO a il ig he nie a hi ie To receive consideration, the original of this “Request for Quotation” with your bid filled in, must be signed and returned by the above specified closing date. All prices and conditions must be shown, additions for packing and other items not shown on this bid will not be allowed. Bids are invited on specified grade or substitute brands or qualities, or both, provided substitutes are clearly listed as such. Attach to the reverse side of this sheet complete specifications for any substitutions offered. If substitute is not mentioned, bidder will be required to furnish according to specifications. P at Se Do not quote on material you are unable to supply. The right is reserved to accept or reject quotations on each item separately, or as a whole. All bids aggregating a sum in excess of $500.00 must be accompanied with a certified check for 5% of ie amount, otherwise, the bid will not be considered. Tor é Quanriry ITEMS AND SPECIFICATIONS mo eve Qvanerey ToraL Amo Gu ean |: . a ee ad. ea 7 ee I a ps ee oe Ree eee =) Se ee 2 ee TERMS PLEASE TOTAL To Bz Sicnep AnD Returnep Promptiy By Parry Maxine Bip Shipment will be made.................... days I a ionicity cnoie after receipt of order. Ry. rected Ba a January 8, 1942. tire Les Freeburg; Lowe & Campbell Athletic Goods Cos, Kansas City, Hissouri. Dear Les: Shetink yout fee ‘yore leteer cf the Teh inate. ek ak Gia as Hees a es sees kl ls es dot on then. I like something tat inflemes the optic nerve, and these cheaper balls are all right. Pick me out some with the red Gots and send them to me because right at this stage of the basketball season I need some red dots. And when I see red -- Ohsohs- : 7 Thank you very much for your Kindness in this matter. I realize, of course, that restrictions may make it impossible to get some of the rubber goods. But I am not worried because I'll get out and play with some hedge balls if they don't make any golf balls! are several hedge trees out there with wonderful products. I'll start “bowling on the green"! Very sincerely yours, : Director of Physical Education and Recreation, FCA: AH Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. | FRANK E. DUBACH, General AupIToR KEITH W. DANCY, Gent Crepit MANAGER MARION H. MILLER, Pusticity Director D. KEEDY CAMPBELL, GenenaAL MANAGER R. C. CAMPBELL, Pensonnet DirnEcTOR LES R. FREEBURG, Asst Gent MANAGER LOREN V. BROWN, Gent SALEs MANAGER ARNO F. HEINRICH, Factory MANAGER KARL H. ROYER, Gent Mpse MANAGER mAs ACS CTY és a boo tS eS t. PA OE TRON tT ss DENVER = SY RA CUR Be RAS RV LLL Bs CHRARLOTTIS 1509-11-13 BALTIMORE AVE., May sas, Crp; Me, January 7,1942 Dr. Forrest C. Allen, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Doctor: These days golf balls are in about the same category as hen molars - they are hard to find. On account of the restrictions placed upon the use of rubber, no manufacturer at the present time is permitted to make golf balls, tennis balls, or even bladders for basket balls, footballs, volley balls and soccer balls - the same goes for handballs. The time may soon come when rubber soled shoes will not be available at any price. We are in hopes that some of the present restrictions will be modified, but until they are we have nothing to work with except our present inventories, which are decidedly limited, and this applies with full force to golf balls. Right now we do not have any of the Long Carry Balls in stock at Kansas City - we are trying to pick up a few dozen from some of the other stores, and we have hopes that we will be able to send you one dozen of these in about a week or ten days. However, these are not marked with the red dot - they carry the Wilson flag marking - in our line only the cheaper balls carry the red or blue spot marking, or a combination of the two. Now I do think if no one is permitted to obtain an over supply of golf balls there will be enough to go around and to carry us through another season, but it is a cinch that if the factories are permitted to make any at all, it will be no more than 50% of last year's production. It is probable, too, that the O P M will set up a schedule requiring the use of a high percentage of reclaimed rubber in golf balls, particularly in the centers, and this means that the 1942 production will not be nearly so high powered as we have been accustomed to using. However, they will be playable, and if we are all on an equal basis we will have just as much fun. dust sit tight and don't worry about it - I will see that you get one dozen of the balls of the present top quality long before the frost is outof the ground. Very cordist iy yours, Les & Freeburg LOWE & CAMPBELL LRF/ rw MICE SACP OL 1S. 3 Cin CIR NMATI =< PITPTSEVUR GA « WASHINGTON CLEP ELAN Ds OS M-OTNES:« CH1ICA.GO -« DALLAS . BOSTON + PHILA D SL P RIA. = W.ORCE ST ee Wee Les Pr a Lowe & Cempbell AthleticGoods Co., 1509 Baltimore Avenue, Kensas City, Mos Dear Les: a ee way ee ey ee ee Revolta balls = they are fine. I an sending ny eheck for the Long Carry and the Revolta balls to your firm in another letter. With appreciation of all you have done in handling my order for golf balls, I am Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. R.C. CAMPBELL, Personne: Director FRANK E. DUBACH, Generat AupDITOR KEITH W. DANCY, Gent Crepit MANAGER MARION H. MILLER, Pusticity Director _ D. KEEDY CAMPBELL, GENERAL MANAGER € LES R. FREEBURG, Asst Gen. MANAGER LOREN V. BROWN, Gent SaLes MANAGER Es ARNO F. HEINRICH, Factory MANAGER KARL H. ROYER, Gent Mpse MANAGER 14509 -/1-13 BALTIMORE AVE., Kay ss; Capz Ye, January 9,1942 Dr. Forrest C. Allen, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Doctor: I did some scouting around this morning, but I did not locate any of the cheaper balls with red dots on them - as a matter of fact, we have practically nothing at all left in golf balls of any quality, and Heaven only knows when we will get an additional delivery. I did find one dozen Revolta Balls in the 75¢ quality, and on account of a slight discoloration, I am making these to you at a special price of $3.25 for the dozen. One of the two dots on these balls is a red one! Now please do not feel obligated to keep these if they are not acceptable - I haven't been able to figure out yet what I am going to play with this summer, and I will be glad to take them for my own use at this price - and I would take another gross at the seme figure! Very cordisty yours, Les R. Freeburg LOWE & CAMPBELL LRF/rw BRN SLT NON BUA POOL a Sone (CC AUN: Cul ON NVACT D> Poh TAT S, BUR Gon ce WY ACS RT MGT ON» .s CEE VR GOAN Dive DUBS OM OOlNe EoS* eC Biol CA; GO! Ste 0 Ue Ss SCT. PAULL 0) DETAR O-E-T =< DENVER <9 SYR -A-CcU78- 8° NA Son Vit by bE ae CDA RCL O Tet Ee BOSS 50: Nie? AT bk: A DOE LPO Ae We OF RCs E Si eeee DAL AGS SS demuery 15, 1942.6 Lowe & Campbell Athletic Goods Sins 1509 Baltimore Avenue, Kansas City, Moe | I am enclosing my check for $11.04 in payment of your two statements of January § and January 9- I have subtracted the 2% discount. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education end Recreation, Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coache