D. KEEDY CAMPBELL, GENERAL MANAGER LES R. FREEBURG, ASS'T GEN'L MANAGER ARNO F. HEINRICH, FACTORY MANAGER KANSAS CITY, MO. MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. CINCINNATI, OHIO, PITTS UO RGH, PA. WASHINGTON, D.C. R. C. CAMPBELL, PERSONNEL DIRECTOR LOREN V. BROWN, GEN'L SALES MANAGER KARL H. ROYER, GEN'L MDSE. MANAGER KANSAS CITY, KAS. CLEVELAND, OHIO DES MOINES, IOWA PHILADELPHIA, PA. WORCESTER, MASS. Dr. F. C. Allen DIVISION OF WILSON SPORTING GOODS CoO. WHOLESALE MANUFACTURING RETAIL 1509 -/1-/2 BALTIMORE AVE., September 16, Director of Athletics Kansas University Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: FRANK E. DUBACH, GENERAL AUDITOR KEITH W. DANCY, GEN'L CREDIT MANAGER MARION H. MILLER, PUBLICITY DIRECTOR CHICAGO. TLL. DALLAS, TEXAS ST. PAUL, MINN. St LO Utls..-M'o. DETR OIT...MIiCch. DENVER, COLO. SYRACUSE, N.Y. NASHVILLE, TENN. CHARLOTTE, N.C. BOSTON, MASS. 1941 Frank Manderville asked that we remind you that right now we have a full run of sizes in the Converse All Star seconds, running up to size 14. He suggests that you order what shoes you will need just as soon as possible because these are limited and present sizes may not last very long. Also it would be a good idea to get all of your merchandise possible before the excise tax goes through. We have not received any definite notice about the date this tax will apply, but it should not be long now. Lawrence until about the 23rd. Frank said that he would not be able to reach If you need anything in the meantime we hope you will contact us at Kansas City and we will take care of all your order requests immediately. JA: HS cl * 7 \ ne? Very cordially yours, LOWE & CAMPBELL ATHL&STIC Ud deree2— Ww Jim Addison Order Supervisor GOODS