D. KEEDY CAMPBELL, GENERAL MANAGER LES R. FREEBURG, Ass‘T GEN'L MANAGER ARNO F. HEINRICH, FACTORY MANAGER ~ ~ KANSAS CITY, MO. MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. CINCINNATI, OHIO, Pit TSBEURGH, PA: WASHINGTON, D. Cc. KANSAS CITY, KAS. CLEVELAND, OHIO DES MOINES, IOWA PHILADELPHIA, PA. WORCESTER, MASS. R. C. CAMPBELL, PERSONNEL DIRECTOR FRANK E. DUBACH, GENERAL AUDITOR LOREN V. BROWN, GEN'L SALES MANAGER KEITH W. DANCY, GEN'L CREDIT MANAGER KARL H. ROYER, GEN'L MDSE. MANAGER MARION H. MILLER, PUBLICITY DIRECTOR \F CHICAGO, 1UL. QWE' & TPBETT, r PAULL MINN 2 Z fa Z Vv, ST. PAUL, MINN. if ai= eb Sel ee St “LOUIS, MG. ATHLETIC GOODS (f DETROIT, MICH. < DENVER, COLO. DIVISION OF WILSON SPORTING GOODS Co. SYRACUSE. N.Y. NASHVILLE, TENN. CHARLOTTE, N.C. 4509 -/1-132 BALTIMORE AVE., BOSTON. MASS. Mass, Crany Ue, October llth, 1941 WHOLESALE MANUFACTURING RETAIL Dr. Forrest ©. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: Yesterday Mr. Freeburg wrote you that we would send you at once, another B202 basket- ball to replace the one which you returned. However, there will be a slight delay as we are cleaned out on that particular ball right now. As we recall it, you have several on hand still so probably it will be 0. K. if we hold your order until an additional supply of the B202 balls comes in. We should have some within the next week or so. Very cordially yours, & CAMPBELL ATHLETIC GOODS Addison Order Supervisor JA: HS