R.C. CAMPBELL, Personne: Director FRANK E. DUBACH, Generat AupDITOR KEITH W. DANCY, Gent Crepit MANAGER MARION H. MILLER, Pusticity Director _ D. KEEDY CAMPBELL, GENERAL MANAGER € LES R. FREEBURG, Asst Gen. MANAGER LOREN V. BROWN, Gent SaLes MANAGER Es ARNO F. HEINRICH, Factory MANAGER KARL H. ROYER, Gent Mpse MANAGER 14509 -/1-13 BALTIMORE AVE., Kay ss; Capz Ye, January 9,1942 Dr. Forrest C. Allen, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Doctor: I did some scouting around this morning, but I did not locate any of the cheaper balls with red dots on them - as a matter of fact, we have practically nothing at all left in golf balls of any quality, and Heaven only knows when we will get an additional delivery. I did find one dozen Revolta Balls in the 75¢ quality, and on account of a slight discoloration, I am making these to you at a special price of $3.25 for the dozen. One of the two dots on these balls is a red one! Now please do not feel obligated to keep these if they are not acceptable - I haven't been able to figure out yet what I am going to play with this summer, and I will be glad to take them for my own use at this price - and I would take another gross at the seme figure! Very cordisty yours, Les R. Freeburg LOWE & CAMPBELL LRF/rw BRN SLT NON BUA POOL a Sone (CC AUN: Cul ON NVACT D> Poh TAT S, BUR Gon ce WY ACS RT MGT ON» .s CEE VR GOAN Dive DUBS OM OOlNe EoS* eC Biol CA; GO! Ste 0 Ue Ss SCT. PAULL 0) DETAR O-E-T =< DENVER <9 SYR -A-CcU78- 8° NA Son Vit by bE ae CDA RCL O Tet Ee BOSS 50: Nie? AT bk: A DOE LPO Ae We OF RCs E Si eeee DAL AGS SS