POD eo Se He He Ge Ge He Ge He He Pe Ve Pe Ge G2 Ge Ge Ge Ge Ge Pe GH* Se? Se Pe Hs Ge Ge Ge GS2 G2 Ge Ge Gr: GeG MANUOMETER This is to introduce the Manuometer of the Tell Tester Co. We have experimented for three months and have improved and per- fected the Manuometer that we now have for sale. This instrument is used and approved by leading physical instruc- tors and physician’s of the Eastern States. The Manuometer is used in the new P. F. I., program in High Schools, Colleges, Universities, Y. M. C. A.’s, Camps ete. to determine the physical fitness of the individual. The Manuometer is also used PRICE $12.00 to determine (changes) in physical condition in children and adults.