December 1, 19376 . No, aha se Wiehe hile wetiiletein with aoe on the subject of the basketball. It wes very brief, and at that time I thought quite msatisfactory, but I hesitated whether I~ should discuss the whole matter with you or whether I should dig- cuss it with Keedy and George at the same times t edrtninky 202 tat ioee thet you ware tt wl oy winks ik 0 Nira kane 1084. If you told me, I cid not uder~ stend it that way. I certainly would never have bought a single "Phog Allen” basketball after you had ceased to use my name on ite find if you were just stamping my name on it to sell to me, I think that is the height of folly, bordering on the rédiculous. | if I remember correctly, the contract for the baskete - ball was for five years with an option of rendwal for five yoarse : Since we had some misunderstanding with the goal, I am not altogether clear, in fact, I am rather hazy regerding the expiration date. If I remember it correctly, it seems to me the basketball had a five : eee ; ee a SYRACUSE, N.Y. CHARLOTTE,N.C. = eens WORCESTER,MASS. NASHVILLE, TENN. 15809 -/1-13 BALTIMORE AVE., Kay srs; Cray Mo. September 30,1937 Dr. F. C. Allen, Director of Physical Education, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear. Doctor; As Mr. Campbell is in Chicago, I am acknowledging your letter of the twenty-seventh which evidently was delayed in mailing as it was not received until today. At any rate the order for the shoes was received and shipment has already gone out - thanks a lot for this business. I think the basket ball film is a knockout - in all sincerity I can say, too, that your part of it overshadows that of the other coaches. Very cordjatly yours, L. Rk. Freeburg LOWE & CAMPBELL ATHLETIC GOODS CO. LRF/rw Oetober 6, 1937. Dear Les: We have Se ae ii the gray trousers, gray shorts & gray shirt and also the Rawlings that I lofe with . lip, Hoinrich, . wg ae because I didn’t even ask f : ai Es 8 © : 5 I am not endeavoring to give anybody a mean Gig, Rewlings never built their repatation on the slogan "tm house that service built", With every good wish, I am Cordially yours, ' PCASAH Director of Physical Education, GEORGE C. LOWE, PRESIDENT : is ARNO F. H INRICH,V. P.& FACY. SuPT. D.KEEDY CAMPBELL,V.P.& GEN.MGR. . : R.C. aa Mi E LES R.FREEBURG, ViCE PRES.&TREAS. WILLIAMS, SECRETARY KANSAS CITY,MO. MINNEAPOLIS,MINN. CINCINNATI, OHIO PHILADELPHIA,PA. PITTSBURGH, PA. WASHINGTON,D.C. KANSAS CITY, KANS. CLEVELAND, OHIO DES MOINES, |OWA CHARLOTTE,N.C. = = EEE 2 = WORCESTER, MASS. WHOLESALE es sce PETA/L 1509 -//-13 BALTIMORE AVE., October 2nd,1937 Dre Forrest C. Allen, Director of Physical Education, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Doctor: I have checked with Mr. Reiuitenwiay reaneok to the gymmasium trousers and he tells me that samples will be ready either today or Monday and that he will also have definite price information figured. I will hold out your letter and Seliow through on this spi! to make sure the matter is not overlooked. Very cordially yours, LOWE & CAMPBELL ATHLETIC GOODS Co. Le R. Freeburg Vice-President ip, Paul Feirhurst, : Lowe & Campbell Athletic Goods Co., 1509 Saltinore | Kansas City, Ho. Dear Sr, Peirhurst: i We are sending through todey en order to Lowe and Campbell for four peire of Offieiel lorseshoes, No, Neve, eed at 80¢ per pair in your fell eataler, | Requisition No, 69145 shovid reach ou within a few days from the University | bust ness Office covering this order, | Sincorely youre, Director of Physical Education, KARL H.ROYER, MOSE. MANAGER LOREN V.BROWN, SALES MANAGER REED G.GENTRY, GENERAL AUDITOR GEORGE C. LOWE, PRESIDENT ARNO F. HEINRICH, V.P.& FACY. SUPT. D.KEEDY CAMPBELL,V.P.& GEN.MGR. R.C. CAMPBELL, VicE PRESIDENT LES R.FREEBURG, VICE PRES.& TREAS FRED M. WILLIAMS, SECRETARY KANSAS CITY, MO. . = : BOSTON, MASS. MINNEAPOLIS,MINN. DALLAS, TEXAS CINCINNATI, OHIO gPO°wMW = a : ( ’ . . j CHICAGG), - ILL; PHILADELPHIA, PA. =— Gf r : om J 2 Ms ST. PAUL, MINN. PITTSBURGH, (PA. i i ff. C= XU AVA of =] x ST. (EOtmumns, MO: WASHINGTON,D.C. Se cee ee eee i ennai BUFFALO, N.Y. KANSAS CITY,KANS. i PETE: em ET — zs >.<. >: a DETROIT, MICH. CLEVELAND, OHIO i AL AO bbb Ab = UV¥AVAI AS RH — Os DENVER, ‘COLO. DES MOINE A = a ITHACA,NEW YORK : SYRACUSE, N.Y. CHARLOTTE, N.C) ee — — — ee WORCESTER,MASS. NASHVILLE, TENN. Dre Forrest C. Allen, The Im, Dickinson County, Iowae Dear Doctor: Your letter of the 17th to Keedy was opened by me as he is in the east on a business trip and will not return until after September lst. Karl Royer is also away on his vacation but he is due back next Tuesday so it is likely that he and I both will be here when you come in to do your stuff in the basketball picture. It has been terribly hot here for the past several days but it looks as though we might get a break today as it is cloudy and threatening raine I can assure you though that it will not be necessary for you to bring your long-legged underwear with you when you come down next week} Best regards. Very cordially yours, L ATHLETIC GOODS CO. Le Re Freeburg- Vice Prese September 27, 1937. iia De Keedy Gampbell S iowe & Campbell Athletic Goode Co,, 15th and Baltimore, Kansas City, igeourt» Dear Eeedy: Yesterday I mde arrangements withthe business office of the Athletic _asseciation to order seme basketball shoes. Yrank Mandeville was in ana he took the order, and also made arrangements ro= garding the four pairs of shoes thet were scone signed te me on memorandum. I am sure overye thing has been cleared up peer the baskete= - ball order on shoos. Ineldentally, I vant to thank 7 for your kind letter regarding the baskete ball film, I eam very anxious to see the film in the near future, and wild ist 7” know my reaction. | Ween every good wtsh, tam “incerely yours, FCA: Director of Physicel Education, _ KARL H. ROYER, MoSE. MANAGER LOREN V.BROWN, SALES MANAGER REED G.GENTRY, GENERAL AUDITOR GEORGE C. LOWE, PRESIDENT ARNO F. HEINRICH, V.P. & FACY. SuPT. O.KEEDY CAMPBELL,V.P.& GEN.MGR. R.C. CAMPBELL, VICE PRESIDENT LES R.FREEBURG, VicE PRES.& TREAS FRED M. WILLIAMS, SECRETARY KANSAS CITY, MO. = : \ BOSTON, MASS. MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. DALLAS, TEXAS CINCINNATI, OHIO ; < yy: . > wm CHICAGO, > ILL, PHILADELPHIA,PA. : . / ST. PAUL, MINN. PITTSBURGH, PA. R77. Ed: yy. ' / AV. ST. LOUIS, MO; WASHINGTON,D.C. oe a “cca eee Se ae pe ae BUFFALO, N.Y. KANSAS CITY, KANS. : DETROIT, MICH. CLEVELAND, OHIO E (A DENVER, COLO, DES MOINES, !1OWA 2 ITHACA,NEW YORK SS a = + = SYRACUSE, N.Y. CHARLOTTE,N.C. = —_ : = i WORCESTER,MASS. * MANUFACTURING RETAIL NASHVILLE, TENN. 1509-11-13 BALTIMORE AVE., Aawsa:s; Cran Yeo., September 24, 1937 Dr. Forrest C. Allen, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. My dear "Phog": Yes, I saw the basket ball film and talkie and I thought it very fine indeed. I believe that it is something that will go over splendidly with the schools. I was surprised and quite delighted at the way you and the other five coaches each put over his ideas. You all really did a fine job of it, and I am not throwing any baloney when I say that the concensus of opinion among our crowd was that your part of it wes the best. The performance put up by the Phillips 66 team we all thought was marvelous, and "Chuck" Taylor's part of it was a very fitting climax to the talks made by the coaches. Now I am no expert at basket ball, at least present day basket ball, although I used to think I knew something about the game, and will admit I haven't kept on it. However, even though that is a fact I was very much impressed with the way the pleys were executed and I am quite sure that the high shool basket ball coach and his players are going to get a wonderful amount of good out of this film and it really ought to go over in quite a big way. Incidentally, 1'd say it was no mean advertisement for you and for Kansas University, either. As I said, your part of it was splendidly done and I believe it is going to be well worth while to you and to the other coaches as well. truly,) September 2, 1937. lip, BD, Keody Campbell, Lowe & C 11 athletic Goods Co,., iSth ané Baltimore, Kansas City, Hissouri, Dear Keedy: The Rawlings people quote e price of $2.89 on those trousers, and Carl's sell them for $35.50 to the students. The shirts are $1.95 retail, and $1.50 Rawlings price to Cari’s, They ere also skewing the crease in the long trousers at this figure, 3 : Please let me know your reaction on those, I enjoyed the visit with you. Sincerely yours, PCAs AH : Director of Physical Education. September 23, 1937. Me. D, Keedy Campbell, Vice President, | Lowe & Campbell Athletic Goods Co., 15th and Baltimore, Dear EKeedy: . The Calvin Film people phoned mo last Saturday that they were showing the basketball talkie reel in your place at 4 o*slock that day, I am writing you wishing to have you give mo your very frank estimate of tho fiim as it listened ani as it looked to you. What good points and poor points cid it have for an educational film? Z will be very happy to learn, Very cordially yours, FCA:AH ‘Director of Physical Education,