February 19, 1938. « Tit. BALL Bailey, ; of President, Ku Ruts, ~‘JISl Chie Ste, Tewrence, Kensase Tear Bills = Your small bunch of Kansas Cideons really put the fire and fury in those battling Jayhawks. Soachow when I saw ‘the Kensas group of loyal followers assambled in thet station on thet terrible evening, I lmew then that their presence did mean more to the boys than any of those rooters could ever realize, and then to see that mystic pair, Dou Poling and Dick Amerine <- sanchow their presence together with your gang put sonething in me that told me thet the Sooners would be shackled, if anything could shackle theme T% was swell of you, Bill, to do whet you did, and i want to thenk you and the Ku Kuts for stimilating the boys to an endeavor that they did better even than 1 thought they could aCe _ great demonstration thet the basketball toam has hed shown then by e Kansas group when they wore leaving tom on a very perilous mission. We all appreciate your and the Mu Kuts support very muche Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, FCAsAH wsity Basketball Coaches