August $0, 1938. Lowe & Cam Athletic Goods Cos, Kansas City, Moe Dear Karls GEORGE C. LOWE, PRESIDENT ARNO F. HEINRICH,V.P.& FACY. SUPT. LOREN V.BROWN, SALES MANAGER O.KEEDY CAMPBELL,V.P.& GEN.MGR. R.C. CAMPBELL, VICE PRESIDENT REED G.GENTRY, GENERAL AUDITOR LES R.FREEBURG, Vice PRES.& TREAS. KARL H. ROYER, MoOSE.MANAGER KEITH W.DANCY, CREDIT MANAGER KANSAS CITY,MO. MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. CINCINNATI, OHIO PHILADELPHIA,PA. PITTSBURGH, PA. WASHINGTON,D.C. KANSAS CITY, KANS. CLEVELAND, OHIO DES MOINES, !OWA WORCESTER,MASS. BOSTON, MASS. DALLAS, TEXAS CHICAGO, ILL. ST. PAUL, MINN. ST. LOUIS, Mo. OE TROIVT, Migr. DENVER, COLe; SYRACUSE, N.Y. NASHVILLE, TENN. CHARLOTTE, N.C, WHOLESALE MANUFACTURING RETAIL /SO9-/1-/32 BALTIMORE AVE., Kay ss; Cray Mo, August 22,1938 Dre Forrest Ce. Allen, Ath. Vir., University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear "Phog": I just returned this morning from my vacation and find your letter of the twelfth about the last royalty payable July lst. Inasmuch as we extended the contract on goals to October 1st,1938, we thought we would pass up the duly Ist settlement and then make a final settlement with you as of October 1st,1938. We thought that this would be entirely satisfactory to you, would save extra work on our part, and I am sorry that I overlooked advising you of our intention. Unless I hear otherwise from you, we will plan on making the final settlement shortly after October lst. This means for the period of November 1st,19357 to October 1st,938. Very truly, KHR/rw August 12, 1938—_ Yes there to be the last royelty duly first, or en I wrong? ; cuuontte aun tant Gea © week | I do not have all wy data here, but I imew thet you would tell correctly. : Thanking you for this information, I an f Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, [owes CiMPBELL As ATHLETIC GOODS CO. Y 1509-11-13 BALTIMORE AVE. KANSAS CITY, MO. DATE uly 26,1958 YOUR ORDER TO ‘The University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, 77471 OUR ORDER 1¢«5645 FORM NO. 122 KEEP THIS INVOICE---IT 1S THE ONLY ITEMIZED ACCOUNT OF YOUR PURCHASE THAT WILL BE SENT. COMPARE WITH SHIPMENT AND REPORT ANY DISCREPANCY IMMEDIATELY 1 dz. N584 Field Hockey sticks =r a PoP. & Inse - $1| 03 BK _ MINNEAPOLIS,MINN. “KANSAS CITY, MO. CINCINNATI, OHIO “PHILADELPHIA, PA. PITTSBURGH, PA. WASHINGTON,D.C. - KANSAS CITY,KANS. CLEVELAND, OHIO DES MOINES, |OWA WORCESTER,MASS. ACU NASHVILLE CHARLOTT WHOLESALE MANUFACTURING PRETA/L ‘1509-11-13: BALTIMORE AVE., Mass, Cra; Me, June 1st,1938, Dr. Forrest C, Allen, Director of Physical Education, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansase Dear "Phog" Frank Mandeville was in this morning and said that he talked to you about the basket balls for your physical education classes and that you were planning to order some soone We have on hand a number of #8220 Basket Balls with brown lacese If you can use some of these, we will make them to you at a special price of $10.50 each. 41 Form Uniform Domestic Straight Bill of Lading, adopted by Carriers in Official, Southern and Western Classification Territories, March 15, 1922, as amended August 1, 1930 ; UNIFORM STRAIGHT BILL OF LADING ORIGINAL—NOT NEGOTIABLE. Shipper’s No... o.oo Company RECEIVED, subject to the classifications and tariffs in effect on the date of the issue of aye Bill of Lading. - UWE : eS Bg eh ta ae 193.— From. fre eee EDEL Ae a the property described below, in ape good oes. Eueeceot as noted (contents and condition of contents of pack et m n an as indicated below, which said company (the word company being understood throughout this contract as meaning any Dereon or corporation in po Si not the property under the contract) agrees to carry . its usual spe of delivery at said destination, if on its own road or its own water line, otherwise to Galiiver to another carrier on the route to aa destination. It is mutually agreed, as to each car: of all or any of said property over all or any portion of said route to destination, and as tu each party at any time interested in all or any of said property, that every service to be performed hereunder "shall be sebiect to all the con- ditions not prohibited by law, whether printed or le herein contained, including the conditions on back hereof, which are hereby agreed to by the shipper and accepted for himself and his assigns. Mail or street address of consignee—For purposes of notif.cation only Agent's Now S g 8 a Qa a) oO a oo a & io) z 3 zo = 9 2 8 3 O v s ~ eal 6 -_ + = 3 % — 3 wn ~ 5 E = 3 o z Z ~~ re) S z ie 3 S 9 & uv a ~~ vo § So ¢ 3 a S at os 8 «= s = ~ & € 2 » & 2 & = 2 a g i= Oo a a v <= ~ 2 E u 2 & ° Yu : E & a a = emi Sd & 2 ~~ B = Yn ea] A © a QQ % m ~ fe Q q & 3 Cy 4 6 / de — — *lt the shipment moves between two ports by a carrier by water, the law requires that the bili of lading shall state whether it is ‘“‘carrier’s or shipper’s weight.” Note.—Where the rate is dependent on value, shippers are required to state specifically in writing the agreed or declar The a or declared value of the property is — specifically stated by the shipper to be not exceeding $ PV hj "ff - ATHLETIC GOORS Sa ‘seas Shipper, Pers. tT ied AGENT) As re of the property. et Signature of Some If charges are to be prepaid, pies or stamp here, “To be re; Received $ to apply in prepayment of the charges on the property de- scribed hereon. Agent or Cashier. Pn (The signature here acknowledges only the amount prepaid.) Charges Advanced: Permanent postoffice address of shipper LS 2T7 4 =~ f. j f7 Si Z fy 4 \. ' » {A ‘ ; = f fé # FA 2 SF tgs f jg Fe Consigned to iA fe 2 7 gh. 63 9, §* A, Vi oe fe Fe Ft Oo No fut ae A i = é S§ pe Bic ches Veatlagis jogs a ns if : e 4 : Destination............ Adal bead Aeke:..,, State fr Be Macias ee ee AAU Ole ss Route SUD AAAS TN oon. f Pg ss A ye 6 fe sis Delivering Carrier..2tste-RGat ke Ne: ack aie Car Unstia lt 2 ese okt fe piped bia ve Rie gyre : * WEIGHT CLASS. | CHECK : caerioes DESCRIPTION OF ARTICLES, SPECIAL MARKS AND EXCEPTIONS (Subject to poraaiee or RATE | COLUMN Subject to Section 7 of condi- : tions, if this shipment is to be } 5 3 ; ae ey 44 delivered to the —— with- f jot A Ag (4 A nF, er fe An ig nif. out recourse on the consignor, é a ¢ A ff ALLA Ah hl Ba bd AF ‘ the consignor shall sign the 7 ; / IF : ns statement: ] pa Te a ey 2a; } / carrier — not make sd) {HAL i eds fe - delivery me this shipment with- ? fo ; : / : J ; Frye Seer eee f fre ey ae = ai i Kot 7} ¥ 1 Mes ees pos f = eS LOL El a ZRIFILETIC Gt PERE” ae 4 | balaoke called to 1S spite iets} de J pte a MACHU ¥— JAAIQING CONTRACT TERMS AND CONDITIONS Sec. 1. fa) or partyin possession veh a any. ahha property herein described s = at comm y for any loss thereof or damage thereto except as Seeineleer tae. (b) No Sane oF arty in possession of all or any of the property hercin ote gee p: any loss the: Peaicase sf ceo or ae deiay caused by ie aoe ot Gone ee ae: — pee ee Shes orate ae r default of the shipper of owner, or for-natural siti 3 fedagthere s' Ae only, for loss, d he tins nes allowed. Fe iacllelareliilion on file Buch ae Nick parry rere eget ty "at relay Eavecd or ae nate ca mieligence ofthe ca er ieror party after placement ntofthe ca Colne oF iter he ee titled aA receive 4 possession), the car. ee es t be li Habletor loss, aaaee ee clays y oe cece entitled to make such property. 4 7 aciCh aoe rty may. be dischar; rae wcrat nto duarar uthoritios, of for ¢ erie Hi accaae gt tine, the Br Solbe in carrier's j udgme: ae and ain intine expenses ‘sach serene ees oho Syner's ca peuse to shinning point. earnin ht both wz Rheteecrontare pons or property, s teeta the Y Saree or tie property or bea BaP thereon. ~The. 8 be Hiab! Tattodaut asbageeces Fartgation, or disinfection or other acts er eect or rrer dione. by oe Sees or auithorities eve though the same may have been done by carrier's officers, agents, or employecs, nor canioned b detenti or damage of any kind occasioned by quarantine or the enforcement thereof. No carrier shall be liable, except in case of neghgence, for any mistake or inaccuracy in ae information Taemash "by the carrier, its agents, or officers as to quarantine ae or regulations. The shipper stall hold the carriers es ae ions exper oY t ey, fea Se incur, or damages they may be required to pay, by reason of the introduction of the property covered by this contract into any place against the quarantine jaws oF res ) No Tavis bound to transport said property by any particnlar train or vessel, or in time for any particular market or otherwise than with reasonable dispatch. Fvery catriet- shall have ‘the Fant in case of Peatuet necessity to forward said sGeeperty a any carrier or route between the point of arenes and the point of destination, In all cases not probitated by law, where a lower value than setus) value has been represented ine writing by the shipper or has been agreed an in writing as the released value of the property as determined by the ch. a or | aAS such lower value as fegteht ate paid shall be the maximum amount to be recovered, whether or not suc loss or damage occursficom negligen t to recovery, claims must filed f in writing wil receiving or delivering carrier, or carrier issuing this A lading, or carrier on whose line the ac: “damage, P tein alti months after delivery tes the property (or, in case of export traffic, within nine. months after delivery at port of export) or,1n case of failure to make delivery, then within nine months after a reasonable time for delivery has clapsed; and suits shall be instituted against any ay rier only within two years and one day from the day when notice in writing is given by the carrier to the claimant that the carrier has disallowed the claim or any partor parts thercof specified in the notice. Where claims are not filed or suits are not instituted thereon in accordance with the foreqoene provisions, no carrier hereunder shall be liable. and such claims will not be pai (c) Any carrier or party liable on account of loss of or damage to any of said property shall have the full benefit of any insurance that may have been effected upon or on account of said ororerey- ‘so far as this shall not avoid the policies or contracts of insurance: ‘Provided. That the carrier reimburse the claimant for the premium paid thereon. . 3. Except where such service is required as the result of carrier's negligence, all property shall be subject to neceemety. cooperage and baling at owner's cost. Fach carrier over whose route arn or canoe linters is to be transported hereunder shall have the privilege, at its own cost and risk, of compressing the same for greater convenience in handling or forwarding, and shall not be held responsible for deviation or unavoidable delaysi n procuring such. com ae Grain in bulk consigned to a Pernt where a if a railroad, public or licensed elevator, may (unicss otherwise expressly noted herein, and then tfitis not promptly unloaded) be the ai and placed twother grain of the same kind and ie with thout respect to ownership (and prompt notice thereof shall be en tte the consignor), ane le nt delivered shall be subject toa one vatdeciae vaddition to all other charges eee hier. ~ 4. ee pee pit remand party entiticd to reeni ve t-wi within the-free time allowed by tariffs, lawfully on-file (such{ ime to. be computed as therein provided), after notice : of the arrival of t Sama at the port.of-¢: dailvery of fotmeel for export) ae been aay sent OF given, ee after placement of the property for ractierry at avatination has been wade. pile Sane. cael ear use or place anee of the career, au Dies to to the tani harge vallable B and carrier S.tespe See ay Pa hata: cuenoue aes oe at Te 1e ma and stored pu censed wa! house-at th: rot! av; ie Cost owner, re without liability on the par’ of the satan gnc & subject toa Nida for all Wiis DE RDAOEE erey sheet charaess fea, incluling a reasor reasonable char ey eee aR om hahle property which has been transported to s refi by: onmuned or the party entitled to receive it,.or said consign c or party entitled to receive ap iewettive » it fe within 15 days after notice of furigenene ts have been duly sent or oer the Searle may seli the same at public auction to the highest bidder, at such place as may be designated aes iaeewries: Provided, That the are shall have firs led, sent, or given to the con: sign or notice that the property has been refused or remains unclaimed, as the case may be, and that it Tt be: See cree sile under the terms of the bill of natawet dis sition be not aces for, and shall ae P Nshied ng notice containing a eer of the property, the name of the party to whom ‘shipped order notify, the name of the party to be notified, and the time and place of sale, once k fortwo peas ve in a newspaper of pes rtatculovan at the place $ is ae ese lace Rohate such h newspaper is published; Provided, That 30 days shall have Riapeat before Spublication of notice levafter Norcia aoe that the property was refused or remains sent, or give here aie ee property which has been transported hereunder to destination is refused by consignee or party entitled to receive it, or said consignee or party entitled to receive it shalt cris tt promptly, the carrier may. in its pissin. tee oreo Gahe pag or further c deterioration. sell the sa ‘9 the best. advantage at private or public sale Provided. That if time fication to the consignor or owner of t the failure to ve-it fequest for disposition of the property, such notification shall be given, in such manner ise of na diligence rents before the Ropes 1s sold. af provided forin the two paragraphs last eee is not possible, it is ae that nothing contained in said paragraphs shall be construed to abridge the right of ee carrier at its aes to sell rhe, property under such circumstances and in such manner as may be author by law. - fe) The proceeds of any sale made under this section shall be applied by the carrier t os payment o of Tema. * demurrage, storage, and any other lawful charges and the expense of notice, 5 ee Be ane ont neg ry expense and of caring for and maintaining the Spopertst _ \propercare of the same requires special expense, and should there be a balance it shall-be paid to the _owner of the property so reun (i) Property destined to or taken from a station, wharf, or landing at which there is no regularly appointed freight agent shall be entirely at risk of owner after unloaded from cars or vessels or ntil loaded into cars or vessels, and, except in case of carrier's ne: Ht nee, when received ee or delivered to such stations, wharves, or landings shall be at owner's risk until the cars are attached and after — are detached from locomotive or train.or until i nto ‘and after. unloaded from vessels. Sec. © Carrier hereunder will carry or be liable in any way for any documents, specie, or for any articles of extraordinary value not specifically rated in the published classifications or tariffs unicss a epeeial agreement to do so and a stipulated value of the niticies are indorsed hereon. vail party. Se rine’ vior Pgerit, ¢ shipping explosives or dangerous goods, without previous — written disclosure to the carrier of their nature, shall be liable for and indemnify “the carri- oF ‘against all joss. oF anne es a such goods, and such goods may be warchoused at owner's risk and expense or destroyed withont compensation. or Semee’ fi y the freight and average. if any, and all other lawful charges accruing on said pr "ut, those instances where it may lawfully be — Sauth aries £9. Sa 0s ii need ariier by railroad ae i deliver or relinquish possession at destination of the property covered by this bill or lading haut all tari rates and pga thereon have been paid. t sh-!l be liable for the freight and all other lawful charges, except that if the consignor stipulates, by signature, in the space provided for that purpuse on the face of this bill of lading that the Surrier shall not make delivery withont reqviring pov nent oO (such charges and the carrier, contrary to such supulation, shall make delivery without requiring such payment, the consignor (except as hereinafrer provided) shrill not be liable for such c Exow! vided, that, where the carrier has seco) Oe nee by the at eat pret or consignor to deiiver said property to a consents, eines than the shipper or consignor, such consignee shall not be patie liahi for transportation charges in respect of the eee (beyond those billed-against himat the ic of delivery for which he 1s otherwise liable) which may he found to be due after the property has been delivered: to him, if the consignee (a)is an Peet only and has no beneficial title in ant Nicaestr and (b) prior to delivery of seid a operty. has notified the delivering carrier in writing of the fact of such agency and absence of beneficial title, and, in the case of a shipment reconsigned or diverte: to a point other than cnet specified in the original bill of lading, sas ve notified the aciveris carrierin writing of ehes sate and poate of aes beneficial owner of said property; and, in such cases the shipper or consignor, or, in thecase of a's recensi: owne; be li g a Fons ignee has given to the carrier crroncous information as to who the beneficial owner is, such consignee shall fameelt be liable for auch additional charges. NotBing: rherein Shall ti limit the fi right of the carrier to require at time of shipment the ment or guarantee of the charges. If ipon inspection it is ascertained that the articles shipped are not those described in this bill of isding, pe freight charges must be paid upon the articles prepa actuall. stip pes If this bill of lading is issued on the order of the shipper, or his agent, in exchange or in suteration | for another bill of lading, the shipper's signature to the prior bill of lading as to the sdaicenont of value or otherwise, cr clection of common law or bill of lad ading liability, in or in connection with such prior bill of jading, shall-be considered a part of this bill of Jading-as fully as if ~ the same were a or made in or in connection with this bill of tadi iby Sec. 9. all or any part of said property is earried by water over any part of said route, such water carriage shall be performed subject to all the terms and peoracny of. and all the rapt canto fiaty contained in, the Act ofthe Congressofthe bnited! States, approved on February 3. 1893, and entitled “An act sciene to the navigation of vessels, etc.,"’ and of other statutes nited States according carrier bbs watert poeion of limited lia a ‘and to the conditions contained in this bill of iodine gat inconsistent therewith or with thig seciion. ie “Nos such carriee by water shalt be liab! x any loss or damage resulting fon any fire nagpeting to or on board t or from explosion, bursting of boilers or breakage of shafts, ome u esign or negicct of such carrier. {c) If the owner shall ee exercised due diligence in making the vessel in all respects seaworthy and properly manned, equipped, and supplied, no such carrier shail be liable for any loss or mage resulting from the perils of the |akes, seas, or other watcrs, or com meta defects in hull, machinery, or appurtenances whether esas ea to, at the time of, or after suhag: or from collision, stranding, or other accidents of navigation, or from prolongation e voyage. And, when for any reason it is necessary, any vessel ca ving-any-or-allof the property ibed shall be at liberty to call at any port or ports, in or out of the igeomtary: fect to tow and be towed, to transfer, trans-ship, or lighter, to load and aiocharee goods at any time, to ane st vesselsin _ distress. to deviate for the purpose of saving life oF property: and for docking and repairs, Except in case of negligence such carrier shall not be responsible for any loss or damage to property if it oe is usual to carry the same sie (A) ral A shall be payable ing to York-Antwerp Rules of 1924. Sections 1 to 15,i Aclusive. and Sections 17 to 22, inclusive, and as to matters not oa thereby according to the yewman and peace of the Port New York. { the owners shal! have exercised due diligence to make the v vesselin respects § seaworthy and properly manted, cquipped and supplied, itis hereby agreed that case of danger, damage or disaster resulting from faults or errorsin navigation, orin the management of the vessel, or from any Jatent or other’ defectsin the vessel, her machinery or Ripe SBE eee or from unseaworthiness, whether existing at the time of shipment or at the beginning of the voyage (provided the latent or other defects or the unscaworthiness was not discoverable by the exercise of duc sel sc the ee es cORmEnees and/or owners of the cargo shall nevertheless pay salvage and any special charges incurred in respect of the cargo, and a oouiee wee ig shipowner in ae f any losses or of a average nature that may be made-or incurred for the common bencfit or to \dventure from any common ae y is being cPrried funder a tariff which provides that any carrier or carriers party thereto shall be liable for loss from perils of the sea, Shan as to such carrier or carriers the is section shall be modified i in seco datice oe the tariff Svipeecran © which shall be regarded as incorporated into the conditions of a bill of ladin ter carriage” in this section sh: ps canainied ncluding High age in or across rivers, harbors, or lakes, when performed by or on ie half of rail carriers. - 10. ny alteration, addition. or erasyrein ally oi of lading sehich shall ithout’ the special notation hereon of the agent of the carrier issuing thts bill of lading, shall be without effect, and this bill of lading shall be enforceable according to its origina’ : is star Jue 25, 1958. 1509 Salt3more Aveme, Kansas City, Missouri » My gon, Milten Allen, expects to stop in your store some time today to purchase a pair of men's golf shoes. “ i will greatly appreciate any courtesies extended Very sincerely yours, — ‘Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coache Owe & CauprELr ATHLETIC GOODS Co. f 1509-11-13 BALTIMORE AVE., KANSAS CITY, MO. May 31, 1938 DR. F. C. ALIEN, UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS, LAWRENCE, KANSAS PERSONAL RETURN THIS STUB WITH YOUR CHECK. NO RECEIPT WILL BE SENT UNLESS REQUESTED. DATE MEMO FOLIO CHARGES CREDITS BALANCE BALANCE BROT, FORD $i0@ 6151 42.34 i323 % {> MAY A) This statement is a complete record of your account for the month—it shows all is Sida Gateen charges and credits. If inaccurate, write us at once. The Last Amount Is The Amount Lowe & Campbell Athletic Goods Co, Due Jue di, 1933, Lowe & Campbell Athletic Goods Cos, 1509 Baltimore Avenue, Kansas City, Moy Gent? | Will you kindly send the following order to the fepariment of Uhysical Education by return mails 42 «N42S Aerial Darts « « » © 0 @ S5¢ ote © « 96060. Very sincerely yours, Uirector of Physical Education. a i EEE i “+ +a athletics goodisé ay Seki Ge Gk pax tad Suk veineieel from Florida and thet you are looking tip O.KEEDY CAMPBELL, V.P.& GEN.MGR. R.C. CAMPBELL, VICE PRESIDENT LOREN V.BROWN, SALES MANAGER LES R.FREEBURG, VICE PRES.& TREAS. FRED M. WILLIAMS, SECRETARY REED G.GENTRY, GENERAL AUDITOR KANSAS CITY,MO. BOSTON, MASS. MINNEAPOLIS,MINN. (ma DALLAS, TEXAS CINCINNATI, OHIO ‘ ( : CHICAGO, ILL. PHILADELPHIA, PA. é »> 2. : é if ST. PAUL, MINN. PITTSBURGH, PA. ae . = Vv, j : ST. LOUIS, MO. WASHINGTON, D.C. f= = Nona = 5 : BUFFALO, N.Y. KANSAS CITY, KANS. z oe — = , —~ 7 . t DETROIT, MICH. CLEVELAND, OHIO oie 0 £) 2 Gc GOODS; GO). : DENVER, COLO. — — ITHACA,NEW YORK DES MOINES, !OWA CHARLOTTE,N.C. SS = SS as SYRACUSE, N.Y. WORCESTER,MASS. WHOLESALE MANUFACTURING PETA/L NASHVILLE, TENN. /SO09-/1/-13 BALTIMORE AVE., May ss, Cray, Mo, November 25,1937 Dr. Forrest C. Allen, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear "Phog"; Yes, I am acquainted with the fact that we are supplying you with two dozen basket balls with your name on them. You are the only one to whom we sell a basket ball nowadays with the Phog Allen name on it. We order these special for you from time to time as required. Very sorry for any misunderstanding that you may have had on this matter. Very truly, C GOODS CO. MePchandise Manage KER/rw