5 Organized athletics, games, and folk danei by Clarence A. Pe Russel Sage Foundation 1910 (371,74, P421) sd Athletic handbook for the Philippine public schools Manihe Bureau of printing 1913 (371.735, P53a) official handbook of the public schools athletic league of New York City. American sports publishing Cos, (796, Spl, v513) Official handbook of the girl's branch of the public schools athletic league of the City of New York American sports publishing company (796, Spl, v514) New rational athletics for vere and girls, Frederick J, Reilly D. GC. Heath & Cos, 1917 (sfi.78° Re7in) . Rational athletics for boys, by Frederick J. Reilly D, Cy Hoath & Cos, 1915 (371.75, R271) Manual of athletic requirement of U.S. Naval academy by Lieutenant-Commander W. A, Richardson UeS.e Naval Institute 1922 (796, R39, 1922) College athletics, by Lawson Robertson American Sports Publishing Co., 1923 (796, Splt, v.501»b) American college athletics | by He de Savage, He We Bentley, De Fy Smiley MeDe ’ and J. Te MeGovern 0n cover=-The Carnegie Foundation for — er of Teaching, Bulletin 25 1929 (571.17, C2lb, Vero) Gurrent Gevelopments in American college sport by He Js Savage, Je Ts McGovern, and H, W. Bentley On cover--The Sexth es Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, Bulletin 26 1931 (371.17, G2lb, v.26) Physical Education in the college of the United Lutheran Church in America, by Carl P, Schott, Columbia University 1929 (390.5, C786, no» 379) Principles of women's athletics, by Florence A, Somers Ae S Barnes & Coy, 1980 (796, So 64) Spalding's “red. cover" series of athletic handbook American sports publishing co., (796, Splr) Spalding's treck and field series of athletic textbooks American sports publishing eo., (796, Sp1t) Spalding's athletic library American sports publishing co., (796, Spl) Spalding's official athletic almanac, by James E, Sullivan American sports publishing co,, 1913 (796, Splr, v.1R) Individual and mass athletics, by. Styeand CG. Staley A. S.» Barnes & Cos, 1925 (796, Stl)