Hygiene SCHOOL HEALTH PROBLEMS (Second Edition) By Laurence B. CHENoweETH, M.D., and THeEopore K. SeL- KIRK, M.D., University of Cincinnati (419 pages, 8vo, 115 illus., $3.00) A scientific and up-to-date discussion of health problems in school for the use of college classes in school hygiene, for school physicians, for individual teachers, and for others. In the second edition of this well-known book, the authors make many changes and important additions to bring the material up to date. An entirely new chapter, on Sanitation of the School, deals with the school site, building arrangement, heating, lighting, sanita- tion of pools, etc. A second new chapter on The Teaching of Health considers general methods, types of information needed, the selection of facts for health teaching, etc. Two new appendices treat the control of communicable diseases in the school and the fundamental causes of reading disabilities of children. Other chapters have been thoroughly revised, and many new illustrations have been added. Here is surveyed not only current medical knowledge, but also the best educational practice in dealing with the problems of physical and mental growth of school children, their proper hygienic environ- ment, physical examination and inspection, the control of communi- cable diseases, special problems of sight and hearing and of handi- capped children, education in proper health habits, accident problems in schools, and other topics. Valuable reading lists and a glossary are included. An important chapter, “Outline of School Health Administra- tion,” is contributed by Richard Arthur Bolt, M.D., Director of the Cleveland Child Health Association. “A text which is invaluable for all school health workers—teachers, nurses, dentists, physicians, and others who are desirous of keeping up to date on the purely scientific aspects of school health work. In this respect the book is a virtual encyclopedia of knowledge for the person intending to make careful study of school health problems.” —Earl E. Kleinschmidt, Loyola University