SAASSOCIATION + 1641 Broadway, New York, Ne Yo ay Miren, Parents and Teachers the Year ‘Round " “Play Schools Committee of the Child Study Association) >? ie you wilk want to know about the new book by Clara Lambert G FROM THE RECORDS: AN ADVENTURE IN TEACHER TRAINING * Here is a new approech te the training of teachers for a new kind of teaching, It is a book for the progressive teacher and the pupil teacher, as well as for those who are teaching teachers. The book tells how a group of teachers learned to use play activities and ma- terials with children of elementary school age, iI is a verbatim record of the course of training, offered to Play School teachers by the Summer Play Schools Association, Since teacher training begins with teacher selection, Mrs, Lambert outlines the qualifications needed in teachers for this particular type of program, and de= tailg her interviews with prospective teachers and the process of selection, The second section of the book records the actual training sessions which consisted of informal discussions and first-hand experiences with Trips, Blockbuildin Shopwork, Pointing ond Clay, Dramtization and Music, The sessions on Dise line and Behavior, Group Discussions and Family Backgrounds answer many ques~ - tions which the progressive school teacher meets in the classroom, The third section consists of the teachers’ own diary records of Play School groups rang- ing in age from five through ten-year-olds, These groups parallel 6 progressive school program except that they do not include academic subjects, AN ADVENTURE IN TEACHER TRAINING has been enthusiastically received by leaders Tn modern education. We believe that progressive school teachers especially will find it not only stimulating but practically helpful in actual techniques with activities and mterials. In order to make it possible for the book to be in the hands of teachers them selves as well as on library shelves, it has been published in paper covers at the low price of sixty cents a copy. Quantity prices will be furnished on re- quest, We hope you will bring this book to the attention of your teachers and pupil teache ys. : an = = oe -= “ = = > ee oar es os Summer Play Schools, associction 1841 Broadway New York, WN. Y. Please send me copies of FROM THE RECORDS: AN ADVENTURE IN TEACHER TRAENING, Enclosed find $ Please bill Quote quantity prices on copies, Name Address Ree ss Le ee T=