Mr. Baker Librarian Jume 2nd, 1941 University of Kensas Dear lr. Baker: The Physical Education is desirous of having the follow , books: Swimming Pool. Standards: Fredrick &. “wehring A.5. Bornes Co. $5.00 Modern Trends in Physical Ed. Facilities for neous Women Huth BE. Houston A. S. Barnes So. 5.00 Corrective Physical Education Ruthbone (additional copy) W. B. Saunders 2.50 Measuring Achievements in “hysical Education-Glogson and Broer. %, B, Sounders 2.75 Fundamentals of Physicd Examination- Deaver. 4. © . Sounders 2.75 An Anatomical Analysis of Sports- Gertrude Hawley--4,8.Barnes Co. 3.00 Boxing in Education Edwin L, Haislet Burgess Publishing So.--Minneapolis 2.25 Physical Education for small Elementary Schools--Harold MW. Jack-A.5,. Barnes © Co. 1.60 Six man Football-Roy 0. Duncan- 1.00 4.8, Barnes & Co. New York fhe Modern Teacher of Physical Bducation “ertrude li, Baker 2.00 F, 3. Crafts & Co,--41 Union Square New ‘ork Physiodoggoal | Hygiene-C. F, Hickman Prentice Hall-70 hon Ave.-New York 3.25 | | ; | page two f \ Successful Teaching in Physical /Education- Elwood ©. Davis 3.00 ‘Prentice-Hall N. Y. | h id a) it . . In case we are not allowed all theee books, we prefer those which are not additional copies. Shank you! # Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation-Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. FCA: re | | ) | fe al SS. GO it ——. | SI2ZS |. ee | ee ne Ne pate ci S| S4 CVE S 7 ais G2 New fo R Decrees —— Feet fs AF Gi} te La a SY Kcoprd ( vO Soe at - sate, (2 A (fs a gee Keg enine ee ce, - PF og NTE + e-l|- 410 Breer Ave Fel NV WE Fé pee! cau & Dw i CAV Sssauaqdav “NOISIAIG S1OdS—OO8 AULNA - | @ NOILISOdX4 GNY OHS JSUOH S.NAWSLUOdS uoT}dt10seq +> ‘ON AI}Uq ‘ UW) a i fanaa ON JUeAT jUsWeUINOY, ORDER BLANK National Education Association 1201 Sixteenth St., N. W., Washington, D. C. Enclosed please find $.......... (Check-Cash-Money Order) in payment for publications as listed below. f es copies... | PIPALTH EDUCATION (0 ee eee 2 sitssst tect MUNN Gans te ne ce ely ia eect ngs oe ee ee eae ee oo . oo ee ee a er ee WOR eh aie ges ea speech EG oo i iO cae Bi secem ead ans Caw pug ee enna ae a ee A Boe atin ie sade ka a a Make checks or money orders payable ta the National Education Association. Orders for less than one dollar must be accompanied by funds. Carriage charges will be prepaid on cash orders but orders not accompanied by cash will be billed with carriage charges included. Discounts on quantity orders: 2-9 copies—10%; 10-99 copies—25%; 100 or more copies—3314%. Write for separate list of general publications. Cuaprer VIII—Puitosopuy, PsycHotocy, AND ResEARcH ........_...._ 177 NM CuHapTer [X—LEarNING SITUATIONS: ProcEssEs OF MEETING THEM 206 CHAPTER X—LEARNING SITUATIONS: ACTIVITIES AND MATERIALS. 229 CHAPTER XI—ILLustraTions: Some Reports oF LEARNING EXPERIENCES 243 CHAPTER XII—TEAcHER PREPARATION FOR HEALTH EDUCATION 296 BIBLIOGRAPHY Si) INDEX 2 = 363 & af Oe et re. Philosophicr! Pisce ot Physcea/ re. A Aga Fiske. FS ewe Fe ete. ie 7 i Ba oe Kuer = ter af The, #4 B+ Mason, BS cd CG.) Mo York, — ; ) er, ; sad hice ce we % pice ae 3 i £} af ya : {53, Cs ; ¥ POL c 4 * nat a Th Clelepee ALL COACH PULLMAN -TOURIST SLEEPING CAR TRAIN REGISTERED NURSE-STEWARDESS SERVICE — \ CHICAGO - OMAHA - LOS ANGELES - SAN FRANCISCO OW De. ah oo ia A J : fy PP -) ! a fed . U fj : U / Lr pp A A” gt 1h aes Ae dD ; / f} ee | / pay fe on tM AA@ Cee BOULDER DAM £1 Fen lo or from Cabifornia THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS ~ LAWRENCE . UNIVERSITY LIBRARY April - 1941 C.M. BAKER, DIRECTOR Dr. 7. G. Alien 100 Robinson Gym Bats Dear Sir: The Library records indicate that your de tment has an unexpended balance of about & eee in its Book Funds I urge that this money be spent as soon as possible so the bills may be paid before June 1. Please send in your orders during April. PG nhs BOOK ORDEP MeCloy, Cele Philosophical Bases of Physical Edueation, : ee Ur@iis Oe ; Mitchell, EeDe & Mason, BeSe The Theory of Play, A.Se Barnes & Cos New York, 1924 Dulls America Learns to Pla Appleton Century Coe Hicknen Physiological Hygiene, Prentice Hall Staley, S.C. Sports Education, AeSe Barnes & Cos, 1939 Williams, Jere 2 & Hughes, Wele Athletics in Education (2nd Edition) ~ We Be Saunders, 1958 TaGrosa Manual for Functional Football Conger, Ray Track & Field, AsS» Barnes & Cos, 1939 Health Education, Wational Education Assoc, June 6th, 1941 Wr. Baker Librarian University of Kansas Dear Er. Baker: Our department would like to have the follow- ing booke: Burnham, H. 5. Practical Horsemanship. American Horseman, Lexington, Sentucky, 1937. Cromwell Dean B., and Wesson, Al Championship Technigue in Track end Pield, Whittlesey House, WeCraw-fill Book Co., New Yorks, 1941. We prefer these books to some of those sent in last list, in the event we are not allowed all of then. Sincerely, Director of Physical Education and Recreation-Varsity Basketball and FCA:re Baseball Coach. Mey 29th, 1941 Mr. Baker Librarian University of Kansas Dear Wir. Baker; I am herewith giving you a list of books that this Department woudd like to haves Aquitter, George Lessons in Tennis Meissner & Yend Basketball for Girls Horton, E. Play Streets “Reynolds, H. Atwood The Game Way to Sports ‘Meredith, F. Le Hygiene (3rd Edition) The Blakiston Co., Fhiladelphia, Assoc. Davie & Lewther — Successful Teaching in Physical Education-- Prentice, Hall--New York ($3.00) Sincerely, Director of Physical Education and Reoreation-Varsity Basketball FCAsre | and Baseball Coach. Books not in Library Aqutter, George Lessons in Tennis Meissner & Yend Basketball for Girls Norton, , Play Streets a; tr T Reynolds, H. Atwood The Game Way to Sports Merea sth, Fb. Hyquene (Gr ER Hida) : ' = Az seo The Blakisten Co. , Becton ener?” Davis ona hawther ‘See ecees | Tee , l, Physiee Faucetes Paste - ot. ? #3 o0 VWAA Kae td 2 ek ¢ Q jt Lez we eet Laos US, A G4) 4 2 mn due ( - > 4 boar O) : fd “ F , —f} Q. op Abt he CAB gh heute fede , { : ip s 4 ad é Pe om dk - to i COCLAAA te THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY Cc.M. BAKER, DIRECTOR Dr. F. CC. Allen 100 Rob, Gym. K.U. Dear Sir: The University Library Committee has apportioned the Book Fund for the year 1940-41. The allowance for your depart-— ment appears below, Very truly yours, Ain a ee Director of Libraries, Allotment for 1940~41......... $ 100 Balance from 1939-40......eece a? se hock ioe ame Incumbered for Periodicals and Gonbirmations.....