Biennial Report UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LIBRARY 1938-'40 I hereby present my biennial report as director of libraries for the biennium 1938-40: UNIVERSITY BOOK HOLDINGS ON JULY 1, 1940 At Lawrence 303,365 At Medical School (bound) 16,717 Total volumes 320,082 This represents an increase of 19,706 volumes since my last report. SERVICE Circulation statistics show only a fraction of the service that a library renders its patrons, but as they represent about the only phase that can be expressed in figures they are at least useful in indicating the use made of the library. ; 1932-33 1935-36 1937-38 1938-39 __-1939-’40 Books issued at Watson Library 292,846 297,671 315,090 322,796 +=. 317,548 4 These figures represent serious reading, as the library does not buy current ction. PREPARATION 1937-38 1938-39 ©=—-19 39-40 Book Titles Ordered 4,169 4,980 4,214 Titles Cataloged 3,988 4,166 4,269 Volumes Cataloged and Marked —-__-__ 12,964 14,077 12,896 Catalog Cards Prepated 2 sae aa 33,147 35,700 SHELF SPACE The library must have more shelf space for its books. Without this relief it is rapidly heading into a chaotic condition that no amount of administrative skill can avert. Books without shelves can neither be preserved nor found when wanted. The Watson Library book stack, which was inadequate to shelve the book collection when it was built fourteen years ago, has a capacity of 121,000 volumes. Shelving in the reading rooms, emergency stacks set in the middle of corridors, and the new storage room have raised the capacity of the whole building to 255,000 volumes. THE PROBLEM Cataloged books on campus 303,365 Stock of Science Bulletins, Cataloges, duplicates ttt. _ 15,000 Total to be shelved ———— 318,365 Shelving capacity of the campus 302,000 Books without shelves 16,365 SHELVING CAPACITY Watson Library: Stack 120,000 Room and corridor shelving 55,000 Storage room 80,000 —— = 255,000 Branches capacity 47,000 Total capacity 302,000 Total books on campus 318,365 Books without shelves 16,365 Annual increase in books 10,000