F UNITED STATES C Wy Qe : ny 623-633 SOUTH WABASH AVENUE CHIGAGĀ® : June 13, 1938. University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. ATT: F, C, ALLEN, Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coach, ~ Gentlemen: Complying with your request of the 10th we hand you here-~ = with the American Lawn Bowling Association's instruetions how to build a green; also the rules and regulations, a pamphlet deseribing and quoting prices on lawn bowls and equipment, and other pamphlets and printed matter that we believe furnish sufficient information to convince you that Lawn Bowling is now the most popular outdoor recreation. We call your particular attention to copy of letter from the Towa State College, at Ames, Iowa. Since receiving this information from Mr. M. M. Jones we have received additional orders for bowls and equipment, and we understand that they are now contemplating installing another full size green. If the information furnished is not sufficient and we can be of further assistance, advise please and the matter will receive our immediate attention, Very truly yours, THE BRUNSWICK BALKE COLLENDER CO. SD MANAGER - LAWN BOWLING DEP'T W.V. THOMPSON; EML