IOWA STATES COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AND MECHANIC ARTS AMES, IOWA. Department of Physical Education for Men. August 26, 19356. The Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co., Chicago, tile ATTENTION - MR. W. V. THOMPSON. Gentlemen: I never saw a new game introduced that gripped the public like Lawn Bowling has here in Ames. Our green is open two nights a week and while we have equipment to accommodate 36 bowlers at one time, we have never had room and equipment enough for all. Many sit and wait and watch for hours for their chances to play. Besides those interested in playing, many times I think we have 200 to 300 spectators. IT am - Yours respectively, (signed) M. M. JONES Equipment Man Men's Gymnasium Ames, lowa. We have 64 of your Mineralite Lawn Bowls and they are entire- ly satisfactory.