B. While at Rest. When a bowl while at rest is burned ‘by either party, it may be replaced by the op- posite party, or in the latter’s opinion be allowed to re- main where it lies. If by a neutral person, or by a bowl not in play, it shall be replaced as near its original posi- tion as possible, and in the event of disagreement shall be placed by the umpire. V. Bowls Going Over Bank Bowls played or driven over the bank, whether they be touchers or not, shall be counted dead. VI. Bowls in Ditch or Dead Bowls A bowl played or driven to the ditch (which is not a toucher) shall when it falls into the ditch, be out of play, and should at once be removed to the bank. VII. Bowls Moved While Being Marked If a bowl be moved while being marked it must remain as it is, or be replaced by the opposing skip. VII. Bowls Played by Mistake A bowl played by mistake shall be replaced by the player’s own bowl. IX. Bowls Played Out of Turn When a player has played before his turn, the op- ponents may stop the bowl in its course, or allow it to remain where it comes to rest, or cause it to be played over again in its proper order. If it has moved either jack or bowls, the opponents shall have the power to cause the end to be begun anew. X. Bowls Played Too Soon No one shall play until his opponent’s bowl has ceased to run. A ‘bowl so played may be stopped and sent back to be played over again. XI. Bowls Going Beyond Side Limits of Rink Bowls played or driven beyond the side limits or bound- ary of the rink shall be counted dead, but not unless they are wholly outside the boundary when they come to rest, even though they may have been so in their course, XII. Changing Bowls During Game No player shall change his bowls during the game ex- cept with the consent of the opposing skip. XIII. Conditions of Game 1. A game may consist of any number of ends or points, or may be played for any length of time as pre- viously agreed upon. 2. When a match consists of more than one rink on each side, the total scores of the respective parties shall decide the contest. 3. When a game consists of a stated number of ends, should it be found when the given number of ends have been played that the scores are equal, one or more extra ends shall be played so as to decide the contest. XIV. Ditchers or Dead Bowls 1. A bowl which does not touch the jack in its orig- inal course on the green and runs against the bank or into the ditch, or is driven into the ditch by the effects of the play, is called a ditcher, and must be immediately removed to the bank. 2. Should a ditcher under any circumstances return to the green, it must be placed on the bank. 2