XXIII. Jacks or Bowls Rebounding Onto Green Should the jack run against the bank, or a bowl] in the ditch, or a board, or any obstruction intended to stop ths bowls at the end of the rink, and rebound onto the green, or after being played into the ditch, it be so operated upon afterwards by a toucher as to change its location on the green, it shall be played to where it comes to rest, providing it is still within the boundaries of the rink, but a bowl similarly rebounding, shall, unless it be a toucher, be counted dead and removed to the bank, and any bowl or jack moved thereby shall be put back in its former position. XXIV. Keeping of Score The duty of keeping the score and of announcing the state of the game at the close of each end should be as- signed to the second player. (See also Rule XIII, condi- tions of the game.) XXV. Markers or Scorers 1. In single handed games one marker only shall act in each game, and he may answer queries as to the posi- tion of bowls and their distance from the jack, but shall not give directions to, nor consult with, either players as to the play. 2. Markers shall be appointed by the directors of tournaments, local secretaries, or umpires, whom failing, by the competitors themselves. XXVI. Mat, Where Placed and How (It is recommended that the size of ‘the mat be 22x 14 inches. ) 1. The mat shall be placed in the center of the rink, and not less than one yard from the ditch, by the lead of the rink which is to play first, and in every subsequent end by the lead of the party which lost the previous end. 2. Each player when delivering his bowl shall stand with at least one foot on the mat, and the bowl must leave his hand before, or at the same time that the foot leaves the mat. 3. The mat shall not be moved until the end is finish- ed, but if moved by accident, it shall be replaced as near its original position as possible. 4. The last player should remove the mat to the bank. XXVII. Measuring Shots 1. When the last bowl in an end stops running, half a minute shall elapse, if either party so require, before the shots are counted. 2. Neither jack nor bowls shall be removed until both skips or vice-skips are agreed as to the shots. 3. If a bowl, requiring to be measured, is resting on another bowl which prevents its measurement, the best means available shall be taken to secure it in its posi- tion, whereupon the other shall be removed. The same course shall be followed when more than two bowls are involved. 4. No measuring shall be allowed until the end is played out. 5. When at the conclusion of an end a tie for the first shot occurs, it shall in a game of ends, be counted a played end. XXVIII. Must Not Disturb or Annoy The party in possession of the rink for the time being, must not be disturbed or annoyed by their opponents. 4