YOUR HEALTH HEALTH is worth more than anything in the world. Millions of dollars are spent annually in the search for it. As a health-builder of acknowledged merit, try Bowling. It has that refined touch which has met with the instan- taneous approval of society. The social and recreative aspect, coupled with the competitive nature of the game, has won the way into the hearts of millions of men and women. It has helped to keep the eye keen and the mind alert and, as a medium for meeting people and mak- ing new acquaintances, it cannot be beaten. All Recreation centers Public and private parks Golf and country clubs Industrial concerns Private lawns Resort hotels should have at least one Lawn Bowling green. If interested in building and equipping a Lawn Bowl- ing green—how to organize a Lawn Bowling club—rules and regulations—or any information regarding the game, and particularly the equipment—address— Lawn Bowling Department THE BRUNSWICK-BALKE-COLLENDER CO. General Offices, 623 So. Wabash Avenue Chicago, Ill. es Form E3967—DM—60886—L-Printed in U. S. A. 6