HISTORY OF © LAWN BOWLING LAWN BOWLING is not a new game or "'fad."' The game first originated in the 13th century, in England, and its popularity has since spread throughout the world, so that, today, it is the "preferred" game of thousands of men and women of all ages throughout the United States. There are over 7,000 lawn bowling greens in England, Scotland and Australia, and over 800 in Canada. In these countries the game is one of the oldest sports and played by royalty, social leaders and the masses. Although the game is in its infancy in the United States, it is experiencing such rapid growth that before long it will pass the foreign game in the number of par- ticipants. The American Lawn Bowling Association is successfully fostering the increased interest in the game and urging city park commissioners, golf clubs and other recreational groups to provide greens to meet the de- mands of this fast growing enthusiasm. Its popularity is daily increasing, and it is well that you should know about this ancient and honorable game; about its fascination; about the pleasant and wholesome recreation and exercise it affords; about its possibilities for good association and conviviality. Here's an age-old game that will add new and exciting interest to the life and well-being of people in all walks of life.