: (Bowl ing~on-the-Green) A or -— LAWN BOWLING —- Intormation and Instructions a a ae Lawn bowling is an ancient game, first vlayed with round stones by shepherds in charge of their flocks. Then came an improved form. using level sections of grass and wooden bowls. Thes. bowling "lawns" were perfected, followed by sand rinks in sections where the proper grass growth could not be developed. A bowl is not round, but slightly oval. causing a curved path of travel from the delivery mat to the objective, a small round ball, termed the "jack." The fascination of the game lies in the development of ability to locate the right surve, and the correct distance. The factors are never constant, being altered oy changing the length between mat and jack, while the rink surface varies daily. Any slight change on the surface of a bowl or in its weight affects its opaiance and correct run. Unless given careful attention, wood bowls become im~ perfect due to these causes. The necessity for better and more permanent bowls oecome evident as interest in lawn bowling isodeusal tevaaodt the United States. Applying the methods and material used in the manufacture of ten pin balls, the Brunswick—Balke-Collender Co., are now able to supply an “American-made" lawn bowl meeting all requirements, These are of composition body, sturdy and accur- ave, They have been subjected to mechanical and personal tests, receiving the approval of skilled players in all sections of the country where rinks exist. Neither expert nor beginner may hesitate in adopting the Brunswick~Balke- Jollender Lawn bowl. Signed) _.__8.N. Clare Secretary Peabody Lawn Bowling Club Daytona Beach, Fla.