46 Bowling Green (Sunken) 1. Regulation greens are square with sides of one hundred and twenty feet. This permits eight rinks of fifteen feet in width and allows sixty-four people to be bowling at once. The green being square permits the oserates of bowling to be alternated by nights, thus saving the turf. 2. Bent grass is preferred since it can be cut shorter and repairs itself more quickly. It is, however, susceptible to disease. Je A mixture-of grass varieties is not advised since close cutting will not react favorably to some where it will to otherse 4, Excavate the outer one foot around the green to a depth of one foot eight inches below the finished green level for ditch purposes. 5. In the green proper three inch drain tile is used for excess water dis-~ pesal, This tile is laid diagonally across the green leading to and connecting with the four inch drain tile at each corner of the green. The four inch drain tile is one and a half feet below the top of the ditch and is laid all around the green. The water fron the four inch drain empties into a catchbasin or sewer. 6. The ditch may be laid with either cinders or gravel, but the gravel is preferable, 7. On the whole surface of the excavation spread five inches of broken stone and roll thoroughly. Upon this lay six inches of lom,. Roll and tamp. On this lay two inches of compost on which is laid the turf or sod one and a half inches thick; however, if good turf cannot be obtained, and grass rust be grown, four inches of good black dirt shall take the place cof the loam and turf. Plant stolons of bent grass. This brings the green upto the top of the leveling pegs which are ninety~one in number and located at 1 point ten feet from one another, The permanent pegs are five in number and one is located one and a half feet from each corner and one in the center of the green. Wien the green is completed the temporary pegs are reroved and the five permanent pegs are driven below the turf. he leveling pegs and levels should be obtained by a surveyor with instru- ments. 8. The edging boards shall be held in place by two by four stobs driven into the ground on five foot centers. The tops of the stobs are to be nailed to the edging boards. 9 tr the subsoil is sand or gravel, excavate to a depth of eight inches and fill with black dirt thoroughly rolled and planted with bent grass stolons, 10. Care should be taken that in addition to this area of ground there should be an area of ten feet around the green for walking purposes and spectators watching the game. 11. The ditch should be at least four inches deep. The bank at least one and a half feet high. This green has some disadvantages. If the green is not properly placed the ventilation of the green will be insufficient and the grass will not thrive as well as it should. a RRR RN ee | Jalal BAA i alibi