RET UN ae TORR De LOWA STaTE LawN BOWLING ASSOCIATION LEAGUE RULES 4 : : + 4 ‘ The League champions will be awarded a trophy donated by Grant Dudgeon. suai ae sesr SR ES a SAE All scheduled games start at 7:30 p.m. where one team is ready to start with their men, the opponents must begin with the three members at hand even tho' they do not heve a full team. ‘ess than three men means forfeit. All forfeited ganies shall be scored l-o. In case of inclement weather the games will be played wn the next vegular bowling night at the close of the regular season. Getexg interrupted arter 10 ends have been pleyed, shall be considered finished and the score stand as finel. After the ninth end the skip may substitute at any time but a man once removed cannot again enter the game. Teams may reserve with the custodian certain sets of bowls for their matches. . Where there is a conflict skips will toss for same. A skip may add to his list of team menbexs any time but no man may bowl on a team-who has not been on the list at least twenty four hours, The menbers who continually loft or dump their balls to dent or tear the turf will not be invited to membership the next season. On return of the membership card they can be barred at once. It is not fair to the green, the caretaker or the rest of the bowlers to have a few spoil the bowling for all. We solicit your cooperation.