August 5, 1941 Dre Forrest C. Allen Depte of Physical Education University of Kanses Lawrence, Kansas ; * Dear Dre Allen: This is in confirmation of our recent chat sbout the propesed Lawn Bewls court for Ke Ue I would like to say that Z em much in sympathy with the construction of such a court, and believe it would be a value able addition to the Campuses e The lecation proposed: 1 ¢ = in Fowler Grove, will fit in very well with the general campus development scheme. Some care should be exeroised in order to locate the court exactly on an axis running through the center of Fraser Hell, so . thet when the Anatomy building is demolished, the effect will be that of an open lewn~panel on the main axis of the proposed Quadrangles ‘The fact that the lewn-panel will also be utilitarian makes the design so moh the betters Without making a study of the area, I would say that a tile drainage system should be installed, and also a pop-up watering system, Mescarine=grass, available at the Ottawa Nurseries is probably the best answer to the grass problem, as it is dense, tough, rugged, and will stand very close clippings Tf I can be of further service in consultation I shall be gled to obliges | Sineerely, We De Durell Summer Address: Black Mts. Road Brattleboro, Vte