1. Round-Up Brocram Children marched in to tune of "John Brown's" Sat dow in semi-circle, Sreceheel marched waving flags inna "This Is The Way We Wave Our Flags." Intermediates had a stick horse relay. Primary marched beating drums they had made in art. Tune~"Officer of the Day March", All sang "John Brown's Baby and "Chester" with gestures. 2. Daily Program Scheduler Time Mon.& Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri, 3215 Int. Art Pri-dancing Pri.-story 4,300 -Pri,-Games Inte gemes int—games _ Special days 4300 Pri-art Pri- games Pri-games contests & At45 Int-zames Int + dancing Int-stories finish up loose ends 3:00 - 3215 Assembly, Safety rules, and singing 4345 — 5:00 Assembly- Evaluation & singing. On Wednesdays at 3:00 we sold defense stamps. 36 aneeishtipgi-3400 o'clock assembly consisted of singing, discussions of the weekly topic (safety) Sisankie names for teams, outlining the activities for the day, hearing reports from safety council, enphasizing rules we had agreed upon, talks on good sportsmanship, announcements of committees and committee meeting schedules. On Steen we usvally sang while defense ane were being sold. * * The 4:45 assembly consisted of announcements about coming activites, espedially Neighborhood Nights, and a short evalutaion discussion in which they expressed their preferences for certain zanes and activities, We usually had same lost articles to be claimed and committee materials to be passed out to be taken home, # The Bulletin Board/and the Safety Council int during this time, Staff Meetings: ~ were held just before 3:00 almost every day and on the Thursday evening preceding special Fridays, we planned our programs in detail. These meetings usually consisted of plans to be carried outs