NEW YORK'S REPORT 1, Qur Round-Up program consisted of a Saddle and Bridle Relay the object whdeh was to run "1p to a child on his hands and knees and put a rope about his neck, and a "blanket! on his back, Leave the horse and run back to. touch the next man's hand who ran up and took the bridle and saddle off, ’ etc. After the relay the intermediates tumbled doing front and back rolls, - diving, and a pyramid. The group marched off singing God Bless Anerica and saluting two American Flags held by two boys dressed in Scout suits. 7 r 2. Daily program saiuaes taal Pre-school and primary. This group usually started the lar program | + playing for a half an hour games outside. Then they would come inside for some art work which would last thirty minutes. The next few minutes would be allotead the children to get a igeinke and to go to the restrooms. From 4:00 until 4:30 storytelling. Last half an hour devoted to games. | Intermediate: The "first ‘45 minutes they were divided into two teams and si dip a team game. Next 30 minutes art, or some quiet game. - Finish up day playing some team game—usually