CORDLEY'S REPORT cont. 3 Assemblies: : : One was held each week, as follows: 1. All singing Ro Initations,—done by the ehildren 3, Talents in the play school 4. Imported talents. Outsiders invited in, 5. aah went together, worked out a number , and presented it, Safety Council: This group met each day at 4:45 PM to discuss any waite that needed to be worked out, Staff Meetings: Held each day at 2240 to make plans for ee and to work out any difficulties experienced the day before, # 4e Popular | A. chool . : Ring-around-Rosey Farmer in the dell London Bridge Musical chairs B. Primary - | Red Light Cat and Mouse _ New Orleans Dare Base Gi Invermediate : Se Five Up and Five Back Dodge Ball Black Man Baseball Week — . Pre-School §§ .|© Primary Intermediate lst 3 oe #9 26 2nd 39 56 27 3rd - Ad, ow 27 Ah , 45 59 | 29 5th AS 59 32 3 45 59 32 . Ruth Wood, leader |