RECREATION BUDGET Summer *43 Staff salaries June 14 July 9 Total Playground $432.25 $562.79 $995.04 Art Studio 175.00 205.00 380.00 Incidental Expense | Playground $ 50.85 Art Studio 3.00 Teen-Age 24940 7825 Equipmental Rental to C.S. League je sing cial $1,483.29 #Note: the staff salaries for July 9 includes Leaders! $15.00 compensation for supervision during | bible study hour, $90.00; $25.00 in gifts to playground volunteer leaders; $30.00 to Art Studio volunteer helpers; and $10.00 for teen-age tennis instruction, Balance carried forward from 1942 -~ $ 571.16 Bd. of Education gr ant ~- 800.00 Donor's gifts ~ _ 441.40 : Total receipts $1,812, 56 Total disbursements 1,483.29 Balance on hand $ 329.27 July 21, 1943 We are indebted to the Jr. Red Cross for all but $15.00 of the cost of the swimming instruction. Swimming fee due Mr, Lawrence + — — = — $38. Amount of money receipts 34, an oe