DIRECTOR'S PLAYGROUND REPORT (cont. ) athe Lo % thought the staff was excelleht this year, Although the res~ ponsible leaders were not recreation leaders, they were very cooperative and very willing to iearn and to try. The high school girls assumed their duties very well——and they did learn a great deal in handling children by working with the experienced leader, The junior high girls also did fine work. I think that the plan of having at least three paid persons on a playground is the only solution, I like the graduated salary scale for the assistants, : | SCALE FOR FL AYOROUND ASSISTANTS (1943) i g Junior High girl unexperienced -— $3,00 for six weeks Junior High girl experienced - 6,00 for six weeks High school girl unexperienced - 12,00 for six weeks High school girl experienced - 15,00 for six weeks High school girl with nore | than one year experience - 17.50 for six weeks My only suggestion is to hire no one "sight-unseen", mas we did this — past summer in the case of two youngsters of junior high age, They were not very helpful, ON INSTITUTE: - . his is an excellent idea; in fact a necessity because of the shortage | of recreational leaders. I would suggest that it would be to the playgrounds! © advantage to start a week later if it could be arranged to have recreation training classes for at least three days, The institute should be conducted with the same seriousness and with the same methods as school, since it is a training course. Game rules should be explained thoroughly, then the class should actually play the game and apply the rules, ‘The same method should be applied to teaching the playground personnel singing games , square dances, group singing, art, etc. | | t= _ I think thet here is where our program sagged the most. I don't feel that it was anyones fault, just too mich to do in too short a time, Plans for the playgrounds should have been announced in the elementary school about a month before school was dismissed—-as well as in the last few PTA meetings, To announce the program before the children disbanded would have given them time to talk about it and to interest each other. In order to "reach some of the needing ones", I would suggest that each child sign a card before school is out; giving his name, address, school attending, favorite games and activities, has he ever attended playground; would he be interested this sumer; if not, why not. Thus with filed information like this, a quick survey could be made as to tentative enrollment, a district's likes and dislikes, what children really need the playground, etc. When Mrs. Mae Turher took over the publicity for the papers this season, it took a big load off my shoulders, So I would suggest that all recreation publicity should be put into reliable hands and such publicity covering all recreation should be started early in the Spring,