DIRECTOR'S PLAYGROUND REPORT (cont. ) eden _ Mrs, Lafeyette had an excellent suggestion on her report: The future recreational program could be helped by carring on a great deal of educational work concerning recreation in the PTA. Viany, many people do not understand the aims or purpose invalued in recreational . work and the educational phases of the program need to be well presented to the people. Such a foundation during the winter would pay dividends in the summer. . THE SUMMER HOPES OF THE NEXT SEASON SUCH AS PLAYGROUND, TEEN AGE, AND NEIGHBORHOOD NIGHTS SHOULD BE EXPLAINED AND WORKED TOWARD ALL DURING THE WINTER MONTHS, IN EDUCATING THE LAWRENCE FUBLIC AS TO THE WHY AND THE NEED. PLAYGROUND PLANS+~ | | From the comments of the staff personnel, I suggest that in the future each playground week should be planned for the leaders as to the ‘theme', One leader states: "The playground was much better this summer because every week we had something new and definite to work with, This kept the children interested and they looked. forward to the next week's theme." (The themes for this past six weeks were: Flag Week, Cowboy Week, Contest Week, Pet Week, Red-White-Blue Week, and Hobby Week, ) A daily scheduie was not offered to the leaders this sumer, but Z have included a pre-school, primary, and intermediate daily program | in the 1943 Playground Manuel. I believe that such schedules or ones | similar should be included in the future playground plans, Such plans should be of great help to an inexperienced recreation leader. Miss Ellsworth was pleased with the outcome of the art arrangement this season, She made out lesson plans for each week's theme and met with the leaders at their Friday afternoon staff meetings to explain any project or to answer any of their questions, Thus the leaders were in charge of the playground art and did a fine job, I thought it worked much better thah having a art teacher going from playground to playground as it has been done in the past, een I recommend that such a similar plan as the above be set up next year for music and. dramatics, Not enough was accomplised in these two fields this year, A Would it be at ail possible to use summer cadet teachers on the playgrounds? They could certainly profit by the "practical experience", Could a sound program for them be set up so that they could receive some - university credit for their time? Cadet teachers in msic, art, dramatics, and physical education could be kept very busy; and I'm sure that such an experience would be of as much benefit to them as a theoretical course, BIBLE SCHOOL:~ 3 : Enrollment for 6 weeks ~ 230 oe Cordley ~ 4i New York - 51 McAllaster -18 - Woodlawn — 40 Lincoln - 37 Pinckney -— 44