PLAYGROUND REPORT (cont) : Gus One girl to stay in the basketroom at all time; and the other to take care of the tiny tots, The little ones were too young to be left alone even for a moment to go into the building and check in a late swinmer. This swimning program is such a splendid activity—and always so popular, I would like to see the six week's of instruction climaxed by a swimming meet or 4 simple water exhibition of some sort. Some type of a program that would bring out the parents and show them What their child had accomplished. (I realize that this is entirely separate from the Red Cross awards—but perhaps the parents would — like to watch their children perform some of these tests with a Public Address system set up for full explanation.( Such awards could not be made unless Miss Hoover was present. But the actual testing could be given at a later date, as has been the custome ) THE DIRECTOR THANKS: Mr:. Creel and Evelyn Barnscord for driving their ponies and carts to each of the six playgrounds during Pet Week. Mrs. Holcomb at Cordley and Mr. Wymore at Woodlawn for continuing with the Neighborhood Nights after the playground program, | Miss Ethel Wood for her time given in playing the piano at the community singing. | : Miss Bushong and her class far their two splendid Marionette shows at Woodlawn and the Community Building. | Mrs.) Gladys Six for her suggestions and books on dramatics, Miss Jolie Stapleton and Miss Ruth Hoover for their time, and interest in the Recreation Institute, as well as helping with Community square dancing. | | irs, Ewing for bringing the St. Bernard puppies to Woodlawn during Pet Week. Mr. Hobbs and the LMHS band for their fine cooperation with the playground program. : ROUND-UP:- I felt that children and parents both enjoyed the program given by the six playgrounds at South Park, that concluded the playgrounds. I recommend that if possible, the summer combine either in - @ cooperative program, or in separate playground programs dovetailed to~ gether, It is good publicity for the program; it makes a nice climax to the six weeks; and it tends to create a feeling of esprit—de-corps between the staff and children as well as between the playgrounds,