TEEN-AGE PROGRAM (1943) I am happy the teen-age committee, Mr. Houston, chm., Dr. Bert Nash, and Mrs. Deal Six, have decided to continue with the teen-age activities until the last week of August, sees 7 At their committee meeting last week, I submitted a possible outline of duties for the game-dance party on Friday evenings. Mr. Hobbs at high school told me that he was starting a popular band and that they would be playing in about six weeks. If the conmittee could have this band play at the Friday party, perhpas for the last party of the season, it would be a good send-off for the orchestra, and a good climax ending for the teen-age series of parties, | The tennis lessons under Miss Frances Davidson should be finished the last of this month. There should be a small tournament within the class. However, I talked with Mr, Houston about the idea of interesting some tennis men like Mr, Docking and Mr. Keeler in forming a tennis committee to sponsor a city-wide teen age tennis tournament in August. Two separate brackets could be made to encourage beginners as well as more advanced players, The tennis courts at Corbin Hall would make a | fine place to run off a week's tournament. Good publicity on the finals in singles, doubles, and mixed doubles should bring out an audience, (More recreation selling points, ) The girls' softball has gathered impetus within the last two weeks, LaVone Jacobson and Kathryn Schaake are in charge. The girls’ teams play on Monday nights, I would like to see baseball get enough interest aroused so that next year (before Jr. High & LMHS is out) a girls! soft- ball league could be organized. e.g. A team from North Lawrence, a couple of Hill teams, a couple of teen-age teams, possibly an older team, etc, The girls love to play and, if handled correctly, the game is excellent recreation, The ideal situation for the teen-agers would be to have a open to them every afternoon, and at least twice a week in the evenings, A place where they could play gemes, drink pop, and visit, A place just "to drop in" after a swim to soci » True, the young people are busy working, but to have a wholesome place to meet if for only a few minutes a day would help solve their problem of ‘where to go when we do have the time’, Some towns do have such teen-age places run entirely by the young people themselves, In a few cities, the youngsters have fixed up their own building, made booths, soda fountain, etc. 7 During the winter months, it seems just as important to me that | both junior high and high school students are given an opportunity to have a wholesome place to dance and play on a week-end evening.