Neighborhood Nights (coht,) i 2 @ marionette show. Mrs. Lafayette: "Neicshborhood nights at Woodlawn did not touch enough high school people, I an wondering what approach is needed, I an leaving this problem, I believe, unsolved, " Condley:-Had six neighborhood nights, a fine chakeaen and committee, Programs plammed by the committee before the playgrounds started. Orzanization: One ~ chairman working with six women, each one in charge of a designated neighborhood night. # Attendance about 80. "(At Pet Show—225 present) Mrs. Wood: "At first our attendance was low, but it increased rapidly each week, However, I noticed that the parents turned out better if the children gave a little program of some sort before or after the outdoor games. I do think it's a splendid idea and much progress has been made toward next year." I was pleased with ‘the attendance of the five playgrounds as this was an exneriment. Attendance could be increased: 1. The wor situation and victory gardens, etc. has given adults more to do after working hours, Many adults felt that they could not afford to give time to recreation when they had so much work at home to do. 2, It was en interesting comment from Cordley that their adult attendance was higher when the youngsters had some little program to give, I believe that this is akey to the situation because I feel that a ~aiority of adults io no know thow to play’. This education could be started in the winter months, having volleyball teams for the adults, deck tennis, etc. (Of course when a person is tired from a long day's work, he doesn't feel like playing hard; but if he can be shown that some mild exercise will truly relax those tired muscles—then we will have broken down a big argument. "I can't come to the playground tonight. I've worked too hard today, I'm tired.") 3. If giving a small program of some type will bring out more adults at first; then I suggest that the afternoon playgrounds with their help in art, dramatics, and music next year plan to : have an occasional program, Plan programs that will draw the adults into the activities. 4. This season we had two types of committee organization: A.- Six PTA mothers headed by a chairman. Each woman had cherge of handling one of the neighborhood nights out of the 6 wks. B.- Committee made up of recreation-minded people in the district. They planned the nights, then asked some well-known couple to . act as host and hostess. (This plen includes more’ men)