Contributions te Council received on or before May 23, 1944 Pledged Paid ine Resstiatton of Gabrarsity Cones $150,00 § - ‘Parent Teacher Couneil 150,60 156,60 €o-operative Club 7 25,00 Co»operattes &,00 > BeO0 Mr, and Mrs. F. T. Stockton ; 5,00 5.00 Joie Stapleton 5.00 5,00 Rebekah Lodge : 16,00 10,06 Daughters of the American Revolution 10,00 10,00 Dick Williams , -«: 10,00 £480 irs. Lyle pews : 5,00 5.00 Mayor and Mrs, C, B, Russell _ 5.00 - S_0O Dr, and Mrs, E. F. Engel 5,06 5.00 Mr, and Mrs, George Hedrick : 2,00 - 8,00 Mr. = Mrs. 7. Wolfsen : 5.00 ‘¥: B_gOO Mrs Mrs. oe. és d 3200 2h Vira t Were oneve Pitas, "1O™ b 5 #44 aero Totals Unless the committee notifies otherwise, I shall send the receipts and thankyou letters to donors as in previous years, The AAUW cheek is being mailed today, Do you want daily reports on ifdividual gifts as well as those from organizations? a «5.8. ~~~-~-RECREATION PERSONNEL ==——~-— oh fford Dean, president, A. gE a Jolie Stapleton Mea, Deal Six, Maud Ellsworth, irs, tyan Rove, Dr. bert Hast, irs. W. B, Smeegas, Lloyd Houston, rs. F, T, Stockton, chit. } ex-officio members: Mrs, Guy Keeler, pres, PTA Council . ae replaced by Mrs. fusein Eioe ieee Ae) Dr. Forrest Alien a . education director; Electa esperger since & eaees ph Burgert, chm, property comm, ~ eity council; and the 7 recreation director, Mrs. D. J, Cannad Teenage committee: Lloyd Houston, chm.,, Mrs, Deal Six, Dr. Bert Nash, irs. &. W. Gilchrist, Mrs. Fay Brown, Henry Shenk, Allen Reese; Warren Smith, Ralph Graber, and Madison Coombs, principals of the three high schools, are ex-officio advisory members. project: Sponsor and advisor, Dr. F. P, — eth comm, chosen from participating group. BBS YD VICE 2 i eue é ecutive comm, Mrs, ¥. z, Steckton, Chie, Aa Es Cccstancrar Joie Stapleton, Mr, and Mrs, Geofge Hed rick, Mrs, Laurenee Woodruff, Mrs, W, C. Boardman, Mrs, F, E, Jones, Mrs, E, L. Haynes, Harold Fisher, and Mrs. E, E, Alexander, Note: League personnel chosen by Recreation Council in May 1942 and key workers are from the Couneil, but the League operates oh a separate budget administered through the Community Chest, . Directors: 1940, Joie. Stapleton 1941, Maurice Cannady; 1942, Marie “Acagemerent : Santee (loaned by city council WPA recreation project without cost to council) 1942, Mrs. D. J. Cannady 3 1944, Mrs, D. J, Cannady. (Mrs. Cannady has been waka | $5 a week for directing and pkanning the teen-age parties this spring also,) este a ee aN ha Ve a.