{ THIS SIDE OF CARDIS FOR ADDRESS J Dr.F.C.Allen, Robinson Gym Kansas University Lawrence, Ks. BOARD MEETING WEDNESDAY EVE. JANUARY 8, 1941 DINNER AT 6:30 P.M. Please call Mrs. Pontius if you will not be at the dimner. Geo.T.Wetzel, Secy, UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION October 30, 1940 Mr. Cliff Carl © Lawrence Kansas Dear Cliff: I know how many assignments you have and how much time of yours is taken up with outside activities. But President Wilbur Reese has appointed me to serve as chairman of the Tournament Committee for next year. I am asking some of the key men who have had much to do with the Tournament to serve on our Committee. With you I will ask Earl Ferris and Glenn Charlton. We would appreciate it if you could serve because you have had wide experience in committee work and, with your travels over the United States, you should have come in contact with novel and interesting tournament participation. For that reason we trust you will accept a place on this Committee. Please advise me of your acceptance. I will appreciate it. Sincerely yours, Director. Physical ae and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach ‘Be Here 7 : :lg:min Z tore 5 October 30, 1940 Mrs CLIfS Gherlten- Lawrence Kansas Dear Cliff: ‘I know how mony assignments you have end how much time of yours is teken up with outside activities. But President “ilbur Reese has appointed me to serve as chairman of the Tournament Committee for next year. Iam asking, some of the key men who have had much to do with the Tournament to serve on our Committes. With you I will ask Earl Ferris and Glenn Charltone We would appreciate it if you could serve because you have had wide experience in committee work and, with your travels over the United Stetes, you should have come in contact with novel and interesting tournament participation. For that reason we trust you will accept a plece on this Committee. | Please edvise me of your acceptances I will appreciate ite Sineerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Versity Basketbell Coach FCA:lg:min October 50, 1940 Mire Glenn Charlton, University Heights Lawrence, Kanses Deer Glenn: : I know how many assignments you have and how much time of yours is teken up with outside activities. But President Wilbur Reese has appointed me to serve as chairman of the Tournament Committee for next year. I am asking some of the key men who have hed much to do with the Tournament to serve on our Committee. With you I will ask Earl Ferris and Cliff Carle We would appreciate it if you could serve because you have hed wide experience in committee work and, with your travels over the United States you should have come in contact with novel and interesting tournament perticipation. For that reason we trust you will accept a plece on this Committee. . : Please advise me of your acceptance. I will appreciate ite Sincerely yours», Director of Physical Rduestion and Pecreation Varsity Basketball Coach FCA:1g:min November 14, 1940 Mre Wilbur Reese | President, Country Club Kansas Power end Electric Company Lawrence, Kansas Dear President Reese: I am returning to you the new draft of the By-Laws of the Lawrence Country Clube I have read these provisions over three or four tines and I am passing them along with my olmy as a member of the Boarde I feel as if you and Meserse Hesso, Galloway and Wetzel are in an excellent position to eliminate the bugs and inject the necessary serum into this animal to meke it a throbbing enatomical specimen of efficiency and good lookse I have also studied further the outstanding indebtedness, and I feel confident that a committee appointed to study this will do a good job when it comes to a recommendations I will make some plans and submit them to you for the Greeters Group in the hope we ean et least improve the rigor mortis of some of the alleged stiffs that they call human beingse Very cordially yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreat! on Varsity Basketball Coach PCAsig November 14, 1940 Mre Wilbur Reese President, Country Club Kansas Electric Power Coe Lawrence, Kansas Dear President Reese: I am giving you the personel of our Tournament Committee for the Country Club. I wrote Messrs. Cliff Carl, Glenn Charlton and Bari Parris some two weeks agos ‘The only reply I have had was from Cliff Carl who stated he was 42) and hoped he would feel well enough to serve on the Conmittece I am taking it for granted that both Farris and Charlton will serve and I am going ahead with my assumption and giving you the personnel of our Comittee. - We will meet sometime in the near future to arrenge for an active and versatile tournament of the Country Club next year. Assuring you of my hearty cooperation in making your eduinistretion a highly successful one, I an, . Very sartantey yours, - Director of Physical Biueation and Recreation | Varsity Basketball Coach FCAsig THE LAJRENCE CCUNTRY CLUB | sss SPEGIAL STOCKHCLDERS MEETING aS | 3 : December 5, 1940 : Notice is hereby given of a eo Poe special meeting of the qualified stock- Se holders of Lawremce Country Club to be | | | held at the Club house at 8:00 P. li., bores Deceriber 5, 1940. This meeting is for consideration of the revision of the By-laws of Lawrence Country Club, a copy of which is attached to this Notice and made a part thereof. BY-LAWS OF THE LAWRENCE COUNTRY CLUB As Revised December 5, 1940 ARTISLE I - Name, Location and Purpose The neme of this organization shall be The Lawrence Country Club, incerporated under the lawg of the State of Kansas on the seventh day of October,.1914, for a term of fifty years. The corporation shall be located in Douglas County, Kansas. The purpose of this organigation is the maintenance of the Club for social enjoyment, and in conneo- tion therewith, the promotion of indoor and outdoor sports, and various other forms of amusement and recreation, and to acquire by purchase, lease or otherwise and to maintain such real and personal property as may be necessary to suitably carry out such objects and purposes. ARTICLE II Directors and Officers section 1, The corporate powers of this Club shall . be vested in a Board -of nine Directors, who shall be stock- 2clders of The Lawrence Country Club. Section &. The Board of Directors shall consist of nine members, three of whom shall be elected for a term of three years at each annual meeting of the stockholders, no director to succeed hinself until at least one year shall have elapsed since his term as Director expired. Section 3, The Board of Directors shall elect from their number a President and a Vice-President, and elect from the stockholders a Treasurer and a Secretary, both of which offices may at the option of the Board be held by the same person. The elective cfficers shall hold their offices for a term of one year or until their successors have been elected and qualified. Section 4. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Board of Directors or stockholders. He shall exercise general supervision over all affairs of the Club and appoint chairmen of all standing cormittees, ‘Section 5, he Vice-President shall perform the duties of the President during his absence or disability. Section 6. The Secretary shall have custody of &11 books and records of the Club. He shall issve written notices of all regular and special meetings of the stock- holders. He shali attend all meetings of the Board of Di- rectors or stockholders, and shall take and preserve full minutes thereof. He shall collect all dues, assessments, fines and other ancunts due the Club and shall irmediately vwurn aver the sare to the Treasurer, taking a receipt therefor, He shall ‘:eep an account of all moneys received ard expended, and shall uake a full and itemized report of all receipts and expenditures, and a renort of the con- dition of the Club, at the regular annual meetings, and at such other tines as the Board of Directors shall require. His booxs shall at all tines be open to the inspection of the Beard cf Directors or any stockholder, The Secretary Shall give a surety bond, to be approved by the Board of Directors, in such amount as the Board of Directors shail designate. The premium Shall be paid by the Club. Section 7. he Treasurer shall safely keep all ‘moneys intrusted to his care and shall account for and produce the same when required by the Board of Directors. All Club funds shall be denosited in the nane.of the Club in Some bank designated by the Board of Directors. He shall pay out no money except by order cf the Board of Directors, The Treasurer shall give a surety company bond, to be approved by the Board, in such amount as the Board shall designate. The premium shell be paid by the Club. Section & The Board cf Directors shall have - power to make rules relative to the care and management ef the Buildings and grounds of the Club and the personal acts and conduct of its mombers, and to enforce such rules by fines, suspension, or expulsion of members violating the sane, aA two-thirds vote of the entire Board shall be necessary for the expulsion of any member, but no rember Shall be expelled until after he has been given a reason- able opnrortunity to be heard in his own defense. The Beard of Directors shall have power to create and appoint such committees and officials as they shall deem advis- able und to prescribe the duties thereof, C.Pontius CePontius Dye hs Bell & Son Standard O11 oa tug Sadaioe UOT» Barteldes Sed Chariton Ins, Manley Ins : B,G,. Gustafson Bullock Ptg. Coe ree a8Co. BWerld So. Bartides Seed b.5 He Lp Nevin Ce Ce Carl John Andrews Ee We Penchard, Sre Vic Hurt Charlie MeCreight Le Ee Bice Co Ge. Hesse Chase Decker Marl Klooz Re We MeClure Re F. Rice Ee Ae Stevenson He We Stowits Me Se Winter We Re Schmidt Je Te Farley Ce Gorrill Re Ge Zimmerman Te Ve Phillips Le We Lee Donald Machin Ee Le Treece Ce Je Topping Frank MeDomld Ce Je Dodds Meissner ( q ) We Ae MCClain Ee We Penchard, Jie Gwinn Henry Dre Ne Lindenberger We R. Essick Glen Charlton Harry Green Oe Jones Pe He Blvig John Riling Co Cy Stewart He Ae Weaver Art Weaver OreRe Storun Te Se Abels Wing Zweifel Wine Nichols He Xe Dolan Ce Je Cotton Re Wi, Davis Earl Patton He Be Ober Lloyd Ware Be Ge Gustafson