November 14, 1940 Mre Wilbur Reese President, Country Club Kansas Electric Power Coe Lawrence, Kansas Dear President Reese: I am giving you the personel of our Tournament Committee for the Country Club. I wrote Messrs. Cliff Carl, Glenn Charlton and Bari Parris some two weeks agos ‘The only reply I have had was from Cliff Carl who stated he was 42) and hoped he would feel well enough to serve on the Conmittece I am taking it for granted that both Farris and Charlton will serve and I am going ahead with my assumption and giving you the personnel of our Comittee. - We will meet sometime in the near future to arrenge for an active and versatile tournament of the Country Club next year. Assuring you of my hearty cooperation in making your eduinistretion a highly successful one, I an, . Very sartantey yours, - Director of Physical Biueation and Recreation | Varsity Basketball Coach FCAsig