7 ARTICLE IV Meetings of the Stockholders: Section 1. The annual meeting of the stock- holders shall be held at the Club house at & p.m. on the second Friday cf October of each calendar year. Section &. Special meetings shall be called by the President at the request cf a majority of the Board of Directors or upon written petition signed by fifty stockholders, Section 3. Only stockholders who are members in good standing shall sarticipate in the business meet- ings of the Club. ARTICLE ¥ Gapital Stock Section 1. Certificates of stock shall not be issued until subscriptions have been paid in full. The Board cf Directors shall have power to regulate the amounts and time of payments by installments. Iach certificate of stock shall have plainly printed on the face thereof: "No transfer of this stock can be made except in accordance with the by-laws of the Club." No trensfer can be nade while the holder is indebted te the Club. Neither does a transfer confer upon the transfiree any of the privil- eges cf the Club, except,as provided in the by-laws. Section 2. The capital stock of the Lawrence Country Club may be owned by any person who shall have subseribed therefor rrior to the incorporation of the said Club, and by any person who shall be clected to member-~ ship in the Ciub after its incorporation. No transfer of stock toa person not a member of the Club shall be recoge- nized by the Club or its officers as ensitling the trans- feree to any cf the membership privileges or voting rights of the Club. : : | Section 3. No member of the Slub shall sell or transfer his stock without first offering the sane to the Lawrence Country Olub through its President and giving the Club ten days in which to purchase she same, provided that it should desire to become the purchaser thereof.