- Lawrence Laundry and Dry Cleaners SOFT WATER FOR WASHING AND RINSING Phone 383 10th and New Hampshire 2 \2 L SN oO. W: Amount Total HE Kansa U4 Sy M A fom ea - Cf A Ke Ez Neco A Address ____= jt WP. < Ts ~ ae LBS. FLAT 2 (ES Ie BS 6 = a APRONS pee SS ZED eae BED SPREADS es | eS oe SE __._ IBD AMIENS, BAS. ae E aos oF ee BRASSIERES | || BBE R TESS ie COATS BESS 5 ea oe COLLARS Poe. Bes ao CAPS WwW Seg > B Ee Base CURTAINS, PAR pl | Foes 22° a DOILIES | bees peak ae DRESSER SCARFS ____ pp |___ BRE S : ge ae DRESSES ERE m EE eee HANDKEBCHEIRG | 2 | og Oe a JUMPERS D 22 3s: a NAPKINS R eS ee eo NICHT SHIRTS... yl) | gee | 4 NIGHT DRESSES |_| FB 3 = “ a OVERALLS Cc oeee 2 &. . PATAM A Spee ft ce oe Ee ~~ PANTS AAssat/EprreeG) o