UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS : LAWRENCE DIVISION OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS June 18 th 1 8S 2 Dean Raymond A. Schwegler School of Education University of Kansas Dear Dean Schwegler: I am enclosing herewith correspondence and communications in regard to Br. Kistler and Dr. E.W. Lapp who are possible candidates for the position of instructor in the Department of Physical Education. From Mr. Elbel's letter it appears that we may have some difficulty in getting a man with a Ph.D. degree in Physical Education at the salary figure we have to offer. I am placing this material before you so that you may give it your casual observation until we have final word from Mr. Elbel as to whether or not Mr. Kistler will be available. It may be well for you to give Chancellor Lindley a progress report on our activities for a desirable man. After reading the material you may call me at my home, Number 300, where I am working on the manu- script for my new book on basket ball. My purpose in giving you this material at this time is to have you pass on to the Chancellor a progress report when you see fit. Sin¢gerely yours, FCA: IW P.S. After you have finished with the correspondence and data will you please return it to my office or leave word and we will pick it up when you have finished with it. F.C.A.