UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE DIVISION OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS too trim in appearance. But apparently from what I can learn he is very bright and talks intelligently on Physical Education, which is not always the case with PhDs. He is very enthusiastic regarding a University position and has possibility of development. He worked in research under McCloy and Mc feels that he has the possibility of develop- ing alnong that line in a manner that few men will develop in the field of research in Physical education. He has a mathematical turn of mind, and that feature should be an aid to any department. He is an excellent student. Lapp will see that you get detailed information regarding him in the course of a few days. I am convinced that we will not get Kistler and the fact that Lapp would take an advance be stepping into a position that he really wants at twenty six hundred makes me think that there are things in his favor there. He would be more apt to consider the move a real advancement. Lapp does not have the fire that Kistler does but it would be a little difficult to have the latter adjust himself after working with the faci- lities that they have here. McCloy suggested another fellow by the name of Wendler that he is going to take on here for a couple of years. He has had but two years of experience and would be a good man as far as practical physical activity courses are concerned but would have difficulty as to theory. Dad Schroeder has been at of town. I am to see him tomorrow. I will let you know what he says. But it ldoks like we will have difficulty in getting anyone with a PhD*£«rérrevce who does not feel that he is stepping down. s 0 I have not seen Prof Tuttle about courses because he 0 has been out of town. I am sure that he will ok what I have v arranged. I have two hours of hygiene and six hours of adv- N anced Physiology on the list. The grind starts tomorrow. We are very comfortably located in a fine apartment- the first floor of an old home that has been well kept. The lady who owns it will spend the summer in the East- a very close friend ew" of Dr. Sherbon of Lawrence-. PO sie “Ul: : a I will drop you a line as soon as I can find whether y or not Kistler will be interested. As I suggested in the wire, Q twenty eight hundred with additional summer work was not too @y Attend the Fourteenth Annual Regards ‘Kansas clays 2 ce : April 18, 1930, Laumnence, Kaman) See the Olympic Track Stauw in Action d AT THE CENTER OF THINGS =— send Annual Ontescholastia Meet, Apul 17th